Mk1 And Mk2


Still Fresh
Mar 6, 2008

I have an f-100 and an f-200. I was wondering if there is an easy way to tell if my f-100 is an mk1 or an mk2? Is there any physical differences that can be seen just by looking at one?
quasist said:
prplehz said:

I have an f-100 and an f-200. I was wondering if there is an easy way to tell if my f-100 is an mk1 or an mk2? Is there any physical differences that can be seen just by looking at one?
Have fun

Thanks! I read another Wiki article on the gp2x. But I never stumbled across that one. It looks like the F-100 I have is a second edition MK1. I have no complaints with it what so ever. To be honest I almost like it better than the F-200. The black looks soooo much better in my opinion, and the sound on the F-100 is much more plesent than my F-200. To me the sound on the F-200 is to harsh or something. If they would just install a proper d-pad all would be good with both of them. I have thought about adding my own d-pad but as of now I am happy. But if anything wears out with the stick or pad on either I am going to give it a go. Is there anything I should be aware of besides the wavy linves in the screen which I don't seem to have anyways :) ?
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