Debian On An Sd Card

I have just "unzipped" the tarball and it seems to be fully working. Two question:

1) I have enebled the wireless using the shortcut onto the desktop... is it avaiable a network manager into LXDE? So i can connect to my wireless lan protected with WPA.

2) I have noticed that just starting to use the LXDE menu the cpu goes at 100% and it stayes.. Why?
NetworkManager is there.. check the system tray in the bottom right of the screen.. I've connected to my WPA configured WiFi with it.

X pushing the CPU to 100% is a known bug ( see my oddities list ) - it seems to be tslib misbehaving if you use the touchscreen... strangely, it doesn't seem to slow things down so I'm not quite sure what it's up to.
Using the nubs, or a USB mouse won't cause that issue though; it's just the touchscreen.
Thanks Stuckie for Debian Squeeze. Amazing project with wifi work.

When Debian « Wheezy » 7.0 be released, do you work on it ? to be compatible with Pandora.
trevormacro said:
Thanks Stuckie for Debian Squeeze. Amazing project with wifi work.

When Debian « Wheezy » 7.0 be released, do you work on it ? to be compatible with Pandora.
given Debians Glacial release schedule that could happen who knows when...

and give us chance to get 6.0 working before asking about 7.0 !!!!
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Stuckie said:
NUBS! are in and working, though don't keep their settings on reboot.. probably a file permission somewhere being a bit off.

The rc.pandora-state is the script that takes care of this, maybe you didn't include it :)
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Yep, I caught that for when I released it.. that comment was from while I was still battering things into shape a bit.
Though I actually didn't realise I did it and was a bit shocked when I nudged the nub and the mouse moved! hehe

Going through the process again and documenting it for the Wiki.. might be useful for other people, and always good to have something like that to poke to see if it can either be automated, or I've done something stupid!

It's getting there, still some bits to do, but you could probably boot with what I've written up already - .. though I advise waiting till I'm finished before going near that ;)
Stuckie said:
Xorg can sometimes peg the CPU to 100% for no reason on boot.. -- edit, actually.. tslib seems the culprit for now.
Console cursor can appear in the top left for no reason as well.
Ok, first thank you for Debian ;) .
Installing was easy. Extract, boot, works. An SD-Card formatting script could be a good idea for users who don't know how to use fdisk to set up their card.
100%CPU: Yes, had it in LXDE, also in Fluxbox. Weird. The cursor stutters more in LXDE. This issue makes the whole thing very sluggish (or is LXDE that sluggish?). Tslib should be completely rewritten from scratch, its buggy like hell. It causes our well known problems like unintentional doubleclicks, slow cursor movement, missed taps, sometimes the touches are registered as rightclicks, all that fun. Xournal for example doesn't register every touch and sometimes misses whole drawn lines or makes them jaggy instead of perfectly smooth. Its because of tslib..

I actually tried to apt-get blender for teh lulz. It should work by mesa software opengl.. But it doesn't run 'cause of a python error. ("Fatal Python error: exceptions bootstrapping error.") although the right Python version is installed. Hmmm. Blender... ;) To show off some lowpoly models, mesa should be fast enough.

Edit: I could not start a pnd. pnd_run did something, don't know what exactly happened, but no application or game shows up.
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I gotta say its kinda tempting to grab the source for the x-org driver - strip out all the tslib junk and write a pandora specific low level driver.... That way we'd get pressure events too!

if you want to show off low poly models pygles in the file archive will load OBJ format single texture models
chris_c said:
I gotta say its kinda tempting to grab the source for the x-org driver - strip out all the tslib junk and write a pandora specific low level driver.... That way we'd get pressure events too!

I'd love that :D
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chris_c said:
I gotta say its kinda tempting to grab the source for the x-org driver - strip out all the tslib junk and write a pandora specific low level driver.... That way we'd get pressure events too!
Should I say pleeeeeaaase? I would do it myself if I could. Hey, and IF you pull a pandora-tslib: Filter the pressure-levels timebased (average filter over last 0.5sec since first tap of a drag) and additionally distance based (change pressure level faster the faster a drag/paint-action is). This should make the pandora THE ultimate handheld drawing device with a natural drawing feel. Atm, pressure sensitivity for example in the newly released mypaint is quite good but still too nervous. PM me in 2months, then I'd send you some useful formulas, IO-Curves or code snippets that should achieve natural drawing.

chris_c said:
if you want to show off low poly models pygles in the file archive will load OBJ format single texture models
Yep, but hey, if blender worked (even in software mode), it would be the better choice to show off ;)
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well it looks like the xf86-tslib-driver does get pressure info it just does very little with it
0.0.6v compiles cleanly and I'm looking at watcom sources to see how to report pressure - I'm working with angstom on my sd card for now....
Whynodd said:
Edit: I could not start a pnd. pnd_run did something, don't know what exactly happened, but no application or game shows up.

Yea, parts of it work.. parts of it don't.. I possibly missed something out, but I'm going through the process again bit-by-bit and documenting it on the Wiki. Hopefully once it's done someone can point out anything I did wrong and we can get libpnd sorted properly :)
I know bits of it work though, as that toggle_wifi thing on the desktop calls "pnd_run /usr/pandora/apps/op-wifi.pnd" to trigger the wifi.

Then it'd just really be bluetooth ( which I could only really test by tethering my phone ) and tslib being a pest!
And yay, people are using my dodgy hacks :D
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trevormacro said:
Here are Debian 6.0 Squeeze pictures on my pandora :

Startup :


Wifi working :




I'm sorry but... i don't have the network manager into bottom right of the screen as you... how is possible to add?
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You should do.. do you see a Toggle_Wifi icon on the top left of the desktop? ( in trevormarco's 2nd and 3rd picture. )
Starting that up should trigger the Wifi ( the led will come on, and you'll get a notification on the top right that Wifi is being enabled. )
You'll be asked for your password again because I do gksudo on it due to mad permissions on my part.
Then, after a bit, NetworkManager should do a scan and tell you that networks are available to connect - it's the two computer screens on the taskbar between the process view ( which will no doubt be a solid green block due to tslib ) and the clock. You can see it in the unconnected ( two monitors ) state in the 2nd picture, and connected in the 3rd picture.
It's then exactly the same as in Angstrom - click NetworkManager, then your chosen network ( or input a hidden one ), type in your details, set up a keychain password ( ok this is different from Angstrom, I think! ) and that should be you.

Actually, those pictures were incredibly handy for explaining this trevormarco, thanks for that :D
i have used the Toggle_Wifi icon onto desktop... the "popup" notification appears into top right and the wifi led being turned on... but no Network Manager is presents into bottom right...

Making an "ifconfig" from the terminal it's presents only the lo interface ( local loopback ) is it normal?
I'll retry to do a full reinstallation... have you got any idea?
Stuckie said:
And yay, people are using my dodgy hacks :D
I never got your extend system to work (probably because I don't really understand how it works), but this is awesome!
It probably can't get any easier than download, extract and reboot.

All your hard work is really appreciated. I will definitely use this. Thanks! :)
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pizzulicchio said:
i have used the Toggle_Wifi icon onto desktop... the "popup" notification appears into top right and the wifi led being turned on... but no Network Manager is presents into bottom right...

Making an "ifconfig" from the terminal it's presents only the lo interface ( local loopback ) is it normal?
I'll retry to do a full reinstallation... have you got any idea?

Yea that doesn't sound right.. you should see wlan0 if the wifi has activated.
Try extracting onto the card again, something doesn't seem right :(
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