DC power jack resoldering question

"All slain enemies will be cremated, or at least have several rounds of ammunition emptied into them, not left for dead at the bottom of the cliff. The announcement of their deaths, as well as any accompanying celebration, will be deferred until after the aforementioned disposal."

With that in mind, you may understand why I waited 20 minutes to make this announcement. I got it to work by, wait for it, using a better cable. I started off using the one for my cheap mp3 player(did not come with it). Out of ideas, I tried the one for my external hard drive just to see what would happen. She will charge from the laptop, but only up 96%. I'm seeing if the wall charger will take it to 99/100%

EDIT: 100% charge! Now I just need to head to a Walmart & buy one of the rare good chargers their website claims they have in one located one town over.

EDIT2: Nevermind. I found a 700mA charger in a box of stuff a former renter left behind over a year ago. It seems to do the job.
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Yes, with those cheap mp3 players from china they cut costs whereever possible. If it is a model that runs on AAA batterie(s) the powerlines of the usbcable might not even be in it.
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The cable I use for the cheap MP3 player's one I just got off newegg for cheap. It lets me connect to the PC to do file transfers with the Pandora, but it doesn't seem to carry adequate power down the line. I tried a couple others I had besides the good one used for my external hard drive & they don't do the job either. So, apparently, I have a lot of crap USB cables & got lucky by having a decent one from the external.

So, I think this is in a way educational for more than just me. If you're gonna charge the 1rst gen(& probly the others too) Pandora with the USB, used a good cable. Also, the Acer 5570Z laptop can't bring said Pandora above 96% battery even on high performance setting(but that's an overly specific thing to learn).