D-pad / Stick Click Idea


Sep 23, 2005
NW Detroit, MI
I've seen quite a few threads now about Dpad mods which, unfortunately, eliminate the stick click so I got thinking. Here's my idea, let me know if it's feasible or not - Take a standard Dpad (like from an NES) and drill a hole in the center that takes up almost the whole center area leaving the four directional pads connected. Now in the newly drilled hole you put a stick similar to the ones in laptop keyboards which would be lower than the Dpad and have enough clearance around it that the Dpad wouldn't touch it when pushed to one side. Then, if you needed to do a stick click, you'd just stick your finger tip in the recessed area of the pad and click... I'm trying to draw a diagram to show how it might work and will post it ASAP.

Anyway, does anyone think it's worth the effort? Please let me know... positive or negative, it's all good feedback. Thanks,
The only way to really know if it is worthwhile is to actual perform a mod and see if it works. :) I think people that DPAD mod and DON'T provide some way to keep the click stick are shoorting themselves in the foot, so any way to keep that button ias a good idea IMO.
The only way to really know if it is worthwhile is to actual perform a mod and see if it works. :) I think people that DPAD mod and DON'T provide some way to keep the click stick are shoorting themselves in the foot, so any way to keep that button ias a good idea IMO.

be nice to change the volume button to somthing different (a wheel on the side of the 2x) then maybe the volume could be wired as a stick click (and i know thats losing 3 buttons to get the stick click fitted :/ )
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Didn't bacteria make a dpad mod that had center click. I think what he did might have been simpler. Not sure though.
Samba Pa Ti posted on Dec 1 2006 at 12:40 AM said:
Eh, I'll just wire a microswitch to the back of the case... Once I get around to finishing the mod...

why would you put it on the back :S ?
there is no reason another button couldnt be added to the front

Not enough room, atleast not with my miniaturizing skillz. :) Besides, it'd just in reach of an index finger.
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Jarska333 posted on Dec 1 2006 at 09:08 AM said:
Samba Pa Ti posted on Dec 1 2006 at 12:40 AM said:
Eh, I'll just wire a microswitch to the back of the case... Once I get around to finishing the mod...

why would you put it on the back :S ?
there is no reason another button couldnt be added to the front

Not enough room, atleast not with my miniaturizing skillz. :) Besides, it'd just in reach of an index finger.
The back is perfect for a stick click replacement. It looks like a Z button :D
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Lots of Dpads have a centre pivot on the back to allow the cross to rock, so drilling a button don there may not be possible for some mods..
If i were making a stick mod (which i won't do tell my stick dies probably, i think the mkIIs stick is actually a bit better then i expected), i would probably end up putting center click next to the L1 Button. I'm pretty used to buttons in that area, and the L1 button is certainly small enough that i don't think it would be an issue to hit.
You could also mount a small tactile switch in that small "shelf" right to the left of the "power" led. It would be a very small button and would be out of the way. I thought of doing it but it is a pain. I wish we didn't need it at all.