Idea For Preserving Clickstick In Dpad Mods


Founder of Pirate Games - Penjin Coder
Staff member
Dec 8, 2005
Ok... I received my DPAD modded GP2X about an hour ago... I've had it on PocketSNES and CPS2V8 and PicoDriveCD :P

Anyway I also put it on the joystick test menu and realised something: You can hit ALL directions at once if you push in the centre!

Clearly this could quite easily be a DPAD representation of the stick click. It doesn't have to be all directions it could be two opposing directions.

What do you think? (specifically those with DPAD mods ;))
While sliding your thumb from left to right while playing say Street Fighter... would it briefly register as all 4 directions? If so, that would make things very annoying.
Since we would have to convince devs to support that, we might as well get them to give an alternative key combo. Pressing all 4 would work too but is not always that easy you have to press pretty hard (some mods).
I don't think so in normal use... I have to purposely push in the centre to make all four directions register.
If you use it normally the force of your thumb is biased towards one direction at any given time, even when you do sweeps of the pad to do moves in Street Fighter.
In addition to diagonals, this is exactly what Radeks logic board does, except it does it in hardware. I dont know if you guys remember, but he ran into some real life issues and stopped working on it. Ive been using a test board in my personal gp2x for about half a year now. In any case, now that most software doesnt require the true diagonals anymore, its not as necessary.
The push-all-buttons-for-center-click function does work flawless, but to be honest it would be better for devs to steer away from the center push all together. Not just for dpad users, but for everyone who has stock sticks as well. People have already broken them.
could an external script make the GP2X think the stick click was being pressed when actually all 4 directionals are pressed?..

The only program I miss the stick click for is GPFCE, if I was a programmer I would change it myself since its open source but obviously I'm not
For now, programs read the cpu registers for the controller directly. WIth the new gp2xjoy.o kernel module, these probelms can be easily solved. It represents the joystick as 2 axes, so theres no problem with diagonals, and the code could be easily modified to add stick-click simulation.