Cybiko Xtreme

What are the possibilities with these? I have saw many sites about them and I believe it had a movie player or something.
OMFG they are the worst pieces of trash around. First their were Cybiko's, then they were failing and they made Cybiko Xtreme. The games weren't better, there wasn't an internet (unless u connected the unit to urs @ home) wireless connection like it said on the box. It was crap. the games.... OMFG.... Dun even look @ it.

-Matt (OMFG.....
hmmm, it doesn't seem to have WiFi, just some wireless connection thing. If you connect one of them to the internet via a pc cable, other cybiko's will be able to share that internet connection via the RF thingie. But there's no WiFi support
I have one, there are some quality games on it, especially Cybiko Race, fun racing game, and there are some nice 1st person shooters, believe it or not, but the major draw back is its 512k ram, you have hardly any room to put games on it without the mp3/video player that is super hard to find and expensive that uses SMCs.
It doesn't look good enough to me to justify having another piece of hardware lying around ;) An emulator for the GP32 would be more practical and MIGHT be worth a few Megs of SMC space.
Anyone know if it would be possible to have the cybiko used as an input device for the gp32 wirelessly? The signal from the Cybiko Xtreme is 2.4Ghz(I believe thats what i read) so if one had the RF link would it be possible to write two programs, one for GP32 and one for Cybiko to exchange data?
I think I'll be getting one, or actually three (one as internet hub). I'm going to move to a new place in a few months wich has a balcony. Would be nice to be able to IRC/MSN in the sun with a beer.

I bought a cybiko from a second hand dealer. Battery wouldn't hold a charge, software was marginal, the link software repeatedly failed (on Windows and Mac OS, Mac OS causing a complete meltdown of my system, forcing a reboot minus extensions and a quick desktop rebuild to repair).

I wouldn't recommend one to anyone. Overpriced junk fad toy. Good ideas, though, especially regarding developer friendliness. Too bad the unit is such a piece of shit.
Just thought i'd let everyone know that if you live in the UK you can pick Cybiko's up at TJ Hughes for £4.99! Bargain! It might be worth buying a few to experiment with! :D
If anyone from the uk can pick me up a couple (say 4), and send them to me that would be great :) We could perhaps trade ? (I could get some good weed)

I want to set up a wireless cybiko network where I live (one for internet hub) so I can sit in the sun on my balcony and still be on IRC/MSN, and maybe control my winamp with it.

The nice thing about a witeless system is that you only need to make an interface on the device itself, the rest is just done on the server side :P