Current Projects / Donations Page


Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
Visit site
I had an idea, which is open to criticism if necessary, but what if gp32x had a section on the front page, or forum, or somewhere obvious, listing the current projects and the developers paypal address to donate to. Maybe some neon lights saying "Donate now" or something, a download if poss, and a little spiel....

The premise behind this is to increase awareness that the coders are doing these progs for free and make it obvious that they are accepting donations, so maybe will encourage people to donate AND give the codie some encouragement at the same time. The problem at the moment is that they are often too proud to make it known that they would like donations and we have to wait until someone says "I'm donating $10 right now" for others to catch on and do the same, then the smaller projects get forgotten about.

Anyway, open to suggestions, but I like it......
Hmmm ... I donated, but only to show my appreciation for all the fine work Rlyeh's done with his many awesome emulators ... your suggestion, while noble in scope, won't stop folks with no jobs, or any source of disposable income from downloading these progs for free.
GPJosh posted on Oct 20 2004 at 01:02 AM said:
I think though, that some users might be more inclined to donate if it was one click away on the front page.

I totally agree. Some people just arent willing to go those extra clicks. :P
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Yeah sound like a good idea but i think that since i use so many free progs i wouldnt no which to donate to as i dont have enough to donate to them all, and why just current projects previous coders should still be in the list for previous emus/game/progs