Cross-connected keys on new board


Certified Guru
Mar 14, 2004
London, UK
Just got the main board in my Pandora replaced. The replacement has some keyboard issues. If I press '4' then '4' and '8' appear. Similarly there are other pairs of keys that duplicate it other - such as 'r' and 'i'.

Is this likely something simple like misaligned key mat or more likely a short on the board? Wondering if this is an easy fix or if I should send it back...


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See what keycodes are being produced by the keys when you press them using xev:

Unzip it and put it anywhere. chmod 755 if necessary.


Pressing r gives KeyPress for:

keycode 31 (keysym 0x69)

keycode 27 (keysym 0x72)

(then the same for KeyRelease)

Pressing i gives the same.

Pressing 4 gives KeyPress for:

keycode 17 (keysym 0x38)

keycode 13 (keysym 0x34)

(then the same for KeyRelease)

Pressing 8 gives the same.

Pressing 9 gives KeyPress for:

keycode 18 (keysym 0x39)

keycode 33 (keysym 0x39)

(then the same for KeyRelease)

Pressing p gives the same.

Top row 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,0,del are fine

Next row q,w,e,t,y,u,o are fine

Next row a,s,f,g,h,k,l,enter are fine (j/d are bad - 40 (0x64)/44(0x6a))

Next row ",",".",z,c,v,b,m," " (x/n are bad - 57(0x6e)/53(0x78))
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I would say then that's a hardware issue. each key should return only 1 keycode regardless of its mapping.
Yep, think so. Just thought it may be a misaligned key 'mat' - though I accidentally typed map earlier:-) Thanks for the help.

Edit: Not sure if the schematics for the keyboard are published but should be able to tell what is shorted with that I guess...
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