Crazy Jack Port Test


Feb 23, 2004
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Hi here,
I've started this port from gp32 to gp2x a very long time ago but never give it for a public test.

Today it's corrected, I dont have GPH firmware, only OPEN2X but normaly it will work on GPH FW.
There're always some small bug here and here and I need to work on it again :)
If someone is interested to made some level it will be a motivation to rework on it (the 36 levels from gp32 version are already inside but this demo are locked to the fourth because the game are NOT finished yet)

This week I've just added all external files in the GPE.

All options are saved at exit, to put menu in english select 001 in language option, some options need a game reboot to apply.


See you all.

gp32_console -> :gp2x
Mr 2X said:
Nice game B)
It works perfectly for me, except if I push SELECT during the game, it stops for some seconds.
I would the others 32 level :P
Sorry I completely forgot to disable SELECT button :unsure:
So when you press SELECT it creat a screenshot on SD and at 60MHz or below it's a little slow ;)

On my GP2X this game work perfectly @ 50MHz with audio HIGH and ram tweak EXTREM.
The game can work @ 40MHz but I've some random crash and I dont know why, but in all case I'm not sure to save lot of energy from 50MHz to 40MHz.

Today there're 36 levels, 16 mod chiptune for level and 6 differents tiles world ... to be continued :D
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