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Oct 24, 2005
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I know its Christmas day but when will you be open again? It appears that after I opend my GP2x this morning I turned it on and it is bricked!!!!!

All i get is vertical multi coloured lines. Have fully charged ansmann 2600 batteries, 3 sd cards and i have no idea how it bricked as it was only turned on for the first time this morning.

Can you offer any help? is it a brick? What will the turn round be for return and replacement.

BTW i did absolutly nothing to it! can't get past these bloody lines.

Sooooooo dissapinted, i have waited weeks...........for a brick!!!!!

Sobs quietly in to christmas dinner............
The multi colored lines are the batteries. I know you may think that you have full life batteries but I would suggest you try a few more before deciding that it's bricked. I thought the same thing too at first. Besides, it's christmas.. go eat some ham! LOL
Thunderchild posted on Dec 25 2005 at 01:43 PM said:
I know its Christmas day but when will you be open again? It appears that after I opend my GP2x this morning I turned it on and it is bricked!!!!!

All i get is vertical multi coloured lines. Have fully charged ansmann 2600 batteries, 3 sd cards and i have no idea how it bricked as it was only turned on for the first time this morning.

Can you offer any help? is it a brick? What will the turn round be for return and replacement.

BTW i did absolutly nothing to it! can't get past these bloody lines.

Sooooooo dissapinted, i have waited weeks...........for a brick!!!!!

Sobs quietly in to christmas dinner............

I would recharge the batteries and try again, you can't overcharge them, but the coloured lines are also associated with low batteries as well as bricked units. If you didn't get the firmware updating screen that people see when their GP2X fails, then I'll assume it is a power issue. Check the battery contacts for any excess white coating that may be causing resistance. You can scrape it off if it's present although it will be removed naturally after changing the batteries several times.

Good luck. ;)
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Have tried 4 different sets of batteries including the cheap set and none do anything other than the lines.

Its dead.

Craigx it looks like its coming your way. How long will it take to get a replacement?
Why fuck they fuck does everybody have to post here when speaking to Craig, have you heard of email you dumb fuck. Failing that you could have PMed him, I'm bored of seeing all of the private messages.
Piss Off!!!

I cannot get on to his site as i cannot connect to its server, also i have had other replies to maybe sort the problem out.

As it is Christmas day i thought that there was more chance of him seeing this than being in work and logged on to his e-mail there.

I will PM him now.

Go get pissed and cheer up!


I have tried to PM him but it wont let me send the message to him, he does not accept PM's or something..............I will try telepathy tho just to keep you happy!
Why don't you fuck yourself you nob jockey. If you have a problem with a product use the offical channels, don't bore us with your fucking complaints.
Thunderchild ... Leave Reesy alone. He's a amazing coder. You really do need to just contact Craig some other way.. you've already started two threads about this
I don't give a fuck, this forum is not for private conversations. If he has a problem contact Craig directly. The rest of use are not interested and are fed up of seeing this sort of bloody thread.
Reesy posted on Dec 25 2005 at 06:34 PM said:
I don't give a fuck, this forum is not for private conversations. If he has a problem contact Craig directly. The rest of use are not interested and are fed up of seeing this sort of bloody thread.

reesy calm down m8 :-) it can be frustrating but you'll give yourself an aneurism.

merry christmas all
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I don't have a complaint about this, i really, really really want it to work but it doesn't. £125.00 is not something I can just throw away. I have tried all channels to get craig's contact details but can't.

All i want is to send it back and get it working, I sooooooooo want to play it.

Chill man!

Can anyone PM me with craigs e-mail? Please? Ta
Seriously, this is not the GBAX/GP32z/LikSang complaints forum. I understand you want to contact the guy here since he posts here, but PMs are the best option.

This is respectful to your supplier so that not everyone sees your complaint, and respectful to the rest of us for keeping the board uncluttered.

Time to hoiste another double rum n' nog. :)
Reesy posted on Dec 25 2005 at 06:30 PM said:
Why don't you fuck yourself you nob jockey. If you have a problem with a product use the offical channels, don't bore us with your fucking complaints.

you must live a shit life if this is how you need to react to a thread on a forum, especially on christmas day.

Atleast you should be happy with eveyones cock up your ass in this thread, you might be a good coder, but you act like a retard.
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You can fuck yourself and all.

Obviously I have a shit life, otherwise why would I have all this spare time to code emulators for wankers like yourself.

I am a coder and I am a retard! and I think you are a tosser.
I feel sorry for Thunderchild (nice comment Daclassicgameroftwominutesago, very nice to be happy at someone's misfortune).

But Reesy here is untouchable. Without his work the GP32 and the GP2x would be a lot lot less than they are. So if he tells someone to fuck off, then well they must just fuck off.

End of story really.

(But really Thunderchild, Craig and GBAx seem very good about customer service, so even though it must have driven you mad and ruined your Christmas and for that I am sorry, it will all be okay in the end!)
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