Craigamp 2.0

great news, will check this out right now, thank you!!!!! okay, setting an other skin to default doesn`t work for me.... pressing "A" causes some keyboard-commands ?!
Craig, it's awesome. I haven't used the 1.x version. The auto-screen function is sweet! I also like the auto randomization when you hit play, unlike the built in player, where you have to start a song, then hit R to go to a random one. The screen view options don't seem to work, or I am not sure how to use them. But still a great app!
Yeah I'll release the source with 2.0 final, the view mode isn't active (it just switches between the dir list and full song details + any artwork it finds)

Mostly I'm just looking for opinions on my search and playlist modes - and any bugs.

I really like the search because it means you can search all your songs for one artist then save them to a playlist, which i've actually used :) but i'm not 100% sure if this is how people wanted it to work.

Also, what do people think of the keyboard entry system?


Cheers Craig, been greatly anticipating this.

The search function works perfectly so far, you're right you can type pretty quickly too. Haven't tried playlists, though I've noticed that the holding start to view the screen for two seconds is hit and miss. Its 3 times out of a dozen or so attempts.

I'm using FW 2.0 BTW.
I tried to code the start viewing a locked screen code so that it does it if you really PRESS it, but not so that if you were carrying the gp2x in your pocket you could keep accidently keep hitting start (and thus use more batteries)

It's a difficult one, I might make it an option you can turn on and off.

Glad search is working, I really liked that feature after i'd added it.
The search function is a real blessing, especially since the directory doesn't list the mp3s alphabetically, well it almost does.

Another thing I've noticed is that every time I boot up, the volume is reset to max, scared the crap out of me on the platform this morning!

I'll try pressing Start harder, or holding down for a while, see if it works better.

Thx again Craig.
I tested this and found that one of my songs was playing at a lower playback speed than normal. The file is 320kbps. Could that be the problem?

Actually, I did some more testing, and it seems to mess up the playback speed in all my mp3s and oggs.