Craig , What The F*ck Is Going On?

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I Haz Custom Title
Sep 21, 2008
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
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128 MB extra RAM? I thought you told us it was impossible to switch RAM because the RAM is in the CPU? You make me think that you are trying to steal money from us. Now we have to pay again and it somehow lets me think I'm not getting my 300 euro back to pay it again. Also the RAM is on the CPU so it will take more months to fabricate the pandora, is this an excuse to let us pay more and more money?

I want you tell what's happening now! Sorry for being rude , but you replied on some joke and since this is and forum and you can't see how people mean things I'm not sure now if this is a joke or not , plz tell us what is happening.

and you won't have to pay more money. Some people will get refunds and have to send in the money again. To make up for this, this was added. This is good news, not bad news.
Calm down dude, they *may* be changing banks because of problems they are having with their current bank. If they do change banks, some card payments may have to be refunded AND THEN paid again into a different account.

The upgrade of ram and nand is a different matter, and I guess they gave us the news now to sweeten the blow about the bank problems.

Chill out mofo
Mithrildor said:

128 MB extra RAM? I thought you told us it was impossible to switch RAM because the RAM is in the CPU? You make me think that you are trying to steal money from us. Now we have to pay again and it somehow lets me think I'm not getting my 300 euro back to pay it again. Also the RAM is on the CPU so it will take more months to fabricate the pandora, is this an excuse to let us pay more and more money?

I want you tell what's happening now! Sorry for being rude , but you replied on some joke and since this is and forum and you can't see how people mean things I'm not sure now if this is a joke or not , plz tell us what is happening.


1.Take the time to read todays posts.
2.They just switched to a newer SoC with more pop memory. You can be sure, that the pix notaz posted already had the new RAM chips.
3. Who said, you have to pay again?

Damn, I'm just too slow :rolleyes:
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craigix said:
The RAM is on top of the CPU, it is put there with a PoP (package on package) process.
Translation: the CPUs are made, then the ram chip is put on right at the factory. No changes need actually take place other than changing the RAM part going onto it. Your fears of delay are unfounded. There is some merit in your fear of extra cost, if craigix hadn't already dispelled those fears
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It's because of the current financial crisis, and will affect credit card payments. You won't have to pay more, if anything there will be slight changes due to inflation
Mithrildor said:
Ok thx that is already explaining a bit. But I want more information. What is with that bankaccount change?
There's additional information available throughout the forum. I'd start by looking through craigix's posts from today. Short story, though, is that there may not be any story, but that Craig will update us if and when any customers have to be refunded due to the bank account change.

Admin, please lock this thread before it gets out of control.

Oh, too late. :(
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Sorry if this has been asked before, but is this the "mystery gift for preorderers" or however it was phrased in that news letter just after preorders? I mean the upgrades, not having to be refunded and then pay again :P
Bramrash said:
Sorry if this has been asked before, but is this the "mystery gift for preorderers" or however it was phrased in that news letter just after preorders? I mean the upgrades, not having to be refunded and then pay again :P
Possibly, Although it this is the mystery I suspect that they probably wanted to keep it hush hush until the units shipped and then it would be a surprise for all the preorderers, however the issues with the bank have meant that the team felt like they needed to unveil it now to keep people happy. Possibly.
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CronoTriggerfan said:
Only question now is how many more months does this delay things and how many more times after this am I gonna have to re-pay for this damn thing. :rolleyes:
Time will tell. It's part of the fun being an early adopter :P
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CronoTriggerfan said:
Only question now is how many more months does this delay things and how many more times after this am I gonna have to re-pay for this damn thing. :rolleyes:
THIS doesn't delay anything...
The LCD availability, that is another story...

And once , you will need to pay once more. Best way is for everyone to pay me $360 cash and I will fly it over to Craig personally.
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