For Craig

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thanks guys, thanks craig, most of ya got what I was saying, and this wasn't meant to be like a starvation of info type of thing needing updates every 10 seconds, but sometimes it's like a week or two with hearing nothing of importance, and amazingly enough got allot of good info almost directly after i posted ;) some of the things gruso commented about.

Now, I wasn't asking for every single little detail of his or their lives, just stuff really. And what craig posted.... is actually freaking awesome... minus the checked forum and jazz... but like in regards to the panda. And if I can imagine it probably took under 5 min O.o like one of those every 1-2 days would be freaking sweet imo.

The people on this forum seem to be arguing over the same 2 week old news everyday, give them something to feed off of. If you guys can see I got maybe less than a handful of posts so i'm not one of the people that contributes to this flame war or just bitches to bitch. I seen a problem with the direction of the bitching and in my head, saw a solution so i decided to throw in my $0.02

And those that are hatein on me or singling me out because I said something other than just complained about it, go read the comments on the community blog... or like half the threads on this half of the board... alot of people are frustrated/giving up hope on this project but are just hanging around cause they either invested so much or lack of other options to go to. I know people are going to complain... that's what people do. Most are just empty threats out of frusterration but to be honest I don't think I've ever seen the bitch level this high before.

just thought it was time someone spoke up, but didn't do it like a little girl ;)

thanks agian guys... see ya
To confuse you Americans further, I'm going to throw in the word 'conserve'.
Wikipedia says it's fruit stewed in sugar, but most brits know it's just a posh word for 'jam'.
To confuse you Americans further, I'm going to throw in the word 'conserve'.
Wikipedia says it's fruit stewed in sugar, but most brits know it's just a posh word for 'jam'.
ah yeah forgot about that one. Nothing beats strawberry conserve with hot buttered toast. ;)
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Are the Chips in the Pandora come with drivers? I imagine, if TI makes new (OMAP) Chips they also make Drivers for the Chips or do you have to code all the needed Drivers from scratch? Or is it just about making the existing drivers run onto the Pandora System?
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Are the Chips in the Pandora come with drivers? I imagine, if TI makes new (OMAP"] Chips they also make Drivers for the Chips or do you have to code all the needed Drivers from scratch? Or is it just about making the existing drivers run onto the Pandora System?[/quote]It took less time to build the pyramids in Egypt than its gonna take to buid the Pandora. Just be Patient and think of molasses for the speed of things speaking of food. Seems it's been about 3 years since the original post about the pandora when Craigx and company were considering building an answer to the dissappointment some people had with the GP2X. If you can wait for- so far three years what's another 6 months or another year. Maybe the Pandora is just a joke and at at some point the people involved are going to say "Psyche we were just joshing you" Seriously it's better to get it right than to rush it out. The Pandora might be the Iphone of open source gaming handhelds in the future.
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So even things that don't have chunks(bits?"]?
Absolutely. Unless it has them a bit confused, in which case they play it safe and just call it 'Spread'.[/quote]Mmmm... Pear and Apple spread...
As long as the conversation has gone this way ...

How do UK and Australia speakers differentiate between spreads that have been made with whole crushed fruit and sugar (US:Jam) and spreads that are made with fruit juice thickened with pectin(US:Jelly)?

Both are delicious on toast, but Jam is more delicious. I'd hate to get them mixed up.
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