Cpu speeds.


Advanced Member
Feb 28, 2005
Born UK Living USA
Hi guys

How/where can't changes the default selections for the CPU speed applet.
Seeing as I have a 1ghz I wanted to change the selections to be more representative..
ie. don't need some of the slower speeds...
The tray icon looks at minimum CPU-speed and maximum CPU-speed. I think ED said the minimum value isn't used anymore. IF you're really, really careful, you can add this value manually by running: sudo nano /etc/pandora/conf/cpu.conf

And adding a line like the others there, containing:

min:<minimum value to show>

Be careful. I don't think the system takes a malformed file too kindly.

EDIT: Re-log and the applet should now use the new value.

EDIT2: Wrong file path.
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Thanks.. But that's not what I meant.
What I mean is the applet that sits on the CPU speed, tvout, enable Bluetooth, enable wifi menu
Where are the values for that? So ican change them. :)
Perhaps you can set the minimum CPU speed to 1Ghz in the cpu settings. you will need to logout of XFCE and back in for the change to be visible. 
Ok... but setting the minimum is, again, not what I`m after...

I know about setting minimum, max allowed etc...

Just the values in the applet.. I would like to know if/where they can be edited? because I have 

Custom 1000mhz





I want to change these values...

Right and I told you how to do it, these options are automatically generated from the range of default Mhz and the Maximum Mhz speed. If you set it to 1Ghz nothing lower will show.
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you can leave it at the maximum stable speed, the power drain difference is insignificant.

The power saving is pretty good when the CPU is idle and you can press the power button to put the Pandora in sleep mode which lasts for days.

mine (a 600Mhz model) is set to 950Mhz and I never touch that setting,   96% battery, estimated 14 hours idling with the LCD on.

current ARM CPUs are really good at saving power when idle, you don't need to worry about CPU speed.
The answer may be that you can't: that it constructs a range of 5 values based on your current speed and the maximum allowable (1100 in your case, 900 in mine), in 75Mhz chunks.

I've looked around for the source code for the 'cpuspeed.so' plugin that 'configbutton' uses, but I can't find it. If anyone knows where it is, that would give you a definite answer.
doesn't changing the max opp give other mhz ranges in the cpu applet but don't think you can put whatever # you want in
Right and I told you how to do it, these options are automatically generated from the range of default Mhz and the Maximum Mhz speed. If you set it to 1Ghz nothing lower will show.
Oh ok..well that makes sense then.. But you didn't mention that it lists the values based on what I set :)

I'm happy with that :)

Thanks Trashy
The answer may be that you can't: that it constructs a range of 5 values based on your current speed and the maximum allowable (1100 in your case, 900 in mine), in 75Mhz chunks.

I've looked around for the source code for the 'cpuspeed.so' plugin that 'configbutton' uses, but I can't find it. If anyone knows where it is, that would give you a definite answer.


Thanks. I was looking at git.openpandora.org. I didn't realise you were configbutton's author.