My Gp32 Stand


Feb 2, 2004
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Hi, I have just finished making my GP32 stand and i want to know what people think and how i could improve it. There are several photos below

Firstly, The stand has a ledge and barriers on both side to stop it slipping off or out on either side. The gp32 sits comfortably with no slippage.

Secondly, the stand has a smc holder on the side. It holds 3 smc's which comes in handy.

Lastly, The stand is rotatable. This means that it is perfect for viewing videos through gpcinema. Again, the ledge prevents any slipping and the smc remain in the stand despite being vertical.

Reply with what you think
You should make some sort of cover that can go over the top so that you can keep out annoying dust when not in use. Other than that it is good :)
Just whipped it together at home because i was sick of forgetting where i had left it and it made watching videos such much easier than having to hold it

Maybe this is what Fday is about, dFs day!!!

it's the best I can do :blink:
kknd_cf posted on Apr 23 2005 at 07:22 PM said:
It looks like gpsofa. :D

:), Oh come on you artistic people out there. This is a perfect picture to have some fun with, you could add some legs to the GP32 and have them resting on a foot stool. You could also add some hands and have the GP32 drinking a beer, while chilling on his super cool sofa.
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If you wan't a more sophisticated method of securing the GP in place (and make the stand smaller) you can take advantage of the 4 visible screw holes on the back and use small dowel rods to secure the unit. As an alternative, you could epoxy a small, thin, metal plate over the batery cover and incorporate a strong rare-earth magnet into the base.
lacks room for any ext. port connections or power or headphone jack access but other than that looks pretty spiffy
Really nice work :) You should think about produce some of them & sell them on ebay ;p
Looks great.

A stand is what the PSP is missing also.
It is fine holding a game system for two hours,
but holding up something to watch a movie
(especially on an airplane) sucks.

I never liked travelling with my GP32 because
I am paranoid tha the joystick will break off
in my briefcase.
here you go reesy

if it doesn't show up then go here..