Cps2 Blank Screen On One Game


Still Fresh
Anybody had any luck running SFA3 on the CPS2 emu? SFA2 works fine, but on 3 I just get a blank screen after its all loaded.
SFA3 is not supported (at least in the quick port from GP2x)

But SFZ3 plays perfectly on it : ) (same version with Japanese) try it.

Good luck :lol:
Really? Zero3 works but not Alpha3? I must try this, I too was a wee bit upset that Alpha3 didn't work, its only the greatest Street Fighter in existence in my humble opinion.
Yeah, true.
I don't know why, but only Zero 3 is working now not Alpha 3 (Duh!)

You can overclock for CPS2 games with BatteryTest program (it seems it remains the clock after program finished)
and your SFZ3 will be run much beautifully :lol:

I agree it is the greatest SF even compare to the SF4 :rolleyes:

Anybody please make a cheat file (or patch) for additional mode of arcade version of SFA3 (or SFZ3 whatever) :lol:
Well, I don't know but it seems really works.
(Ryu/Ken's hadouken doesn't disappear because of framskipping)

But anyway, now 'Pickle the Great' :) gave us cpu_freq program and I believe you can use that instead of battery program :)