Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

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A pizza guy lied about his false contamination, leading to 2M people locked down ?

Haha! Yup!

What a pleasure it is to watch you guys go from being absolutely certain about your opinions a few months back to seeing all the complexity in the interaction between all the parts of the system.

Keep on going with the skepticism and keep on applying rigor to the data you are absorbing and some rigor to how you analyze it.

You are getting closer to the truth.
That's why it's the number of patients in hospitals that matters, and the number of deaths which is very underestimated in occidental countries.
I mentioned on Discord earlier, I had a symptom this morning. It was one that could be COVID-19, flu, or food poisoning though. Staff at my apartment said it's most likely the last one.

I still hope that thermometer I ordered from Amazon gets here soon.
The PCR tests are extremely unreliable:

Looks like there's a "sensibility setting" which can differ from countries to countries, e.g. tests are way more sensitive in France than Germany, meaning we have a lot more false positives in France.
I've not read your french post, but from what I've been hearing, PCR tests are the original slow lab based tests. That /. article claims Musk had rapid tests, so I suspect those aren't PCR tests.

Edit: Yes, I've now had the french article translated for my perusal. It still sounds like PCR testing is the best we've got, but should probably be reserved for people in hospital because of how slow it is, and it does depend on it being taken properly.
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A study says the developmentally and intellectually disabled are three times as likely to die from COVID-19 as the general population. I think it mostly has to do with congregate living settings, and the fact that those settings don't have the same regulations as nursing homes.

I mean, technically I'm in one, but it's lower risk, since it's an apartment building where none of the apartments are connected, and staff only have to check on us twice a day, once in person, once by phone. We each have our own bathroom and kitchen, though we do share a laundry room.

Technically, staff sees me in person twice a day, but that's because I'm the one person here who doesn't keep their own medicine at their place. I used to, but I had an issue with compliance back around 2014, I think, that caused them to switch. It's just as well, the Klonopin I'm on now is harshly addictive. I wouldn't really trust myself with it.
I filled out a form created by North Carolina's Department of Health and Human Services about COVID-19, and they sent an email recommending that I get tested. I think it's because I have quite a few of their health risk factors (obesity, liver problems, developmental disability). I mean, I've still only had one symptom so far, and it wasn't fever. Fever seems to be the main one they watch for.

That thermometer I ordered from Amazon updated to say it's arriving on Monday, so I'll just wait for that.
A thermometer won't discriminate between covid-19 and various other fevers of different causes, it's not a good test for covid-19. I think I've heard that the first thing you tend to notice if you get any symptoms at all is a loss of taste and smell, and by that point you're infectious even if you haven't yet got a fever.
Here you can get a thermometer at every pharmacy. Is that different in the US? Or are you just too online by now? :)
My thermometer is now less than an hour drive from where I'm at.

Delivery vehicles don't travel directly from point A to point B though, so I'll believe them when they say it'll be Monday.
You don't need vitamins if you eat various and healthy stuff. You can really break yourself taking pills, e.g. too much vitamin D.
Doing preventive sport during 30 min is also good to strengthen the body (doing sport while being contaminated is a bad idea according to the doctors).
You don't need vitamins if you eat various and healthy stuff. You can really break yourself taking pills, e.g. too much vitamin D.
Doing preventive sport during 30 min is also good to strengthen the body (doing sport while being contaminated is a bad idea according to the doctors).
I second that. Though, I'm lacking the discipline and when I think I've got some infection, it's too late for prevention.
I know, that some vitamins are lipophile and can't get flushed out easily, when oversupplied. Still, when I've got some infection, I do oversupply, so that in no corner of my body any molecule could say "I'd like to do what's necessary, but there's no XYZ around to do it with!" - not on my watch. The rest is raising one's temperature and keeping the watersupply up. For years my infections went rather mild. Maybe unnecessarily long, for I'm not that disciplined on keeping the temp up either. ;)

@rSl I didn't say, I'd be carefree about my visit to the pharmacy. I'd wear my mask all the way (usually I only put it on, before I enter somewhere), I'd use the hand disinfectant, and I wouldn't touch myself in front of the clerk.
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