Counter Strike Source


OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
CS Source has been mentioned here and there in various threads, often in the wake of Half-life2/FPS conversations. Finty and myself have been trying to organise games with limited success due to communication problems and server unreliability.

SO, I thought, why don't we have an arranged GP32x counterstrike match?everyone interested post here and then I'm sure we can all agree on a date and time, and maybe turn it into a regular thing.

I'd play, but I've only played it for about half an hour in my life and therefore am pretty crap.

So maybe you wouldnt want me to play. :(
il be definately in! i own both 1.6 and source, but source pwns all(my opinion) iv got a server for it, but its no always on :( il give you the ip for now any way

but some people have trouble getting into it and some dont ;) but il put in on around say 5:30pm ish in GMT.
Well, I would realy consider joining, but I've got a certain.........errr...........version............of that game, that probably doesn't allow me to play online. I usualy just play the game on LANs.

oh: and I would never use that STEAMing pile of shit.
well, my computer is not good either, i run cs:source just about on the minimum requirments apart from that iv got 100mhz less then required to play it but i still get around 40 fps, and your computer cant get much worse then mine, its a 5 year old compact :( but hey al long as it can run staff, games, internet coughporncough...
well, it surely rock with the realism textures.

However, I can and will not use steam (I could use steam with my 1.6 CS, If I hadn't lost that registration info sheet.)

iv got an ip, it can have 16 people on it and it has low ping!


its on cs_italy now, if you wanna meat there il be more then happy?