It would be cool, but I doubt It'll ever happen. I mean look at the snes emus.
It would be cool, but I doubt It'll ever happen. I mean look at the snes emus.
What about emulating 32x? We are already half way there with DrMD. Go on Reesy, you can do it
Plus the 32X is a bit rubbish. We want Neo Geo.
Personally im not gutted because ive played the neo geo and I really dont know why anybody could justify paying over £100 for a game in the early 90's.
emulating the neo should be possible as i run Metal slug 3 on my 154mhz cyrix arcade cabinet. (neorageX)
It is is not extremely smooth
IT HAS 128MEGS of ram!
And thats the main problem, people.
MAYBE you could run puzzle bobble1 (4mb) or puzzle de pon (1.5mb) or league bowling and stuff.....
and only if its programmed entirely in ASM