Correct Price?


Im buying a GPX2 of GBAX,and it says that the price comes to 142.83 Euro.Is the correct exchange rate to american dollars around 253 dollars.(note this is with UPS express)
Most of us have learned, it's just the people who ask the questions all the time are the ones who haven't -_-'
carlgeorge posted on Dec 18 2005 at 02:05 PM said:
If you're American then why not use -- Only $190.

$203 shipping incl.

I should know ;) :D
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Goity posted on Dec 18 2005 at 09:51 PM said:
Americans... When will you learn...

£ is Pounds Sterling

€ is Euros
Lets bring up that argument again :p
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I may have made a mistake when ordering through (on the 15th). Other than the order confirmation they have not responded to any e-mails (I wrote politley to notify them that there paypal system charges a different shipping amount than their site does, and I wrote again to ask about firmware).

My virus scanner doesn't put attachments on my e-mails (and I turned it off just in case) so I don't believe my e-mail will get killed by their spamfilter, and they have updated their web page twice since I ordered so I know there is some activity at their place of work.

Communications is always the biggest issue with regards to customer satisfaction with me. I don't like spending $250 and then getting stonewalled when I try to ask them a question.
Believe it or not I don't have a home phone, and can never seem to find my cell phone when I need to. I usually contact all my friends and colleagues online so I just don't think of using the phone as a first resort. I will call them Monday though, if I have not received a response to my e-mails (and if I can track down their phone number, as it isn't on their contact page.
Honestly I have the same issue right now with GP32z not responding to my emails and I even added their IM contacts. Correct me if I'm wrong but there isn't a phone number to contact anyone on their website. If you have one then by all means share because I would like to see if my order actually went through or not.
I was able to contact via their AIM account. Aparently there was a miscommunication somewhere with regards to the e-mails I sent, but they assured me that they are holding my unit to upgrade the firmware when it is released.

I look forward to my GP2x.
carlgeorge posted on Dec 18 2005 at 04:56 PM said:
Hodr, what is wrong with the telephone? Old tech but...

I concur ...
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Hodr posted on Dec 19 2005 at 07:32 PM said:
concur all you want, when they don't publish a phone number it makes it a rather moot point.

I was concurring on the old tech part ... my avatar explains it all ...
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I was in a rush to order one so i would get it from christmas,My order went through no thanks to dicks who think all americans should automatically know currency exchange rates.
scarface posted on Dec 22 2005 at 07:31 AM said:
I was in a rush to order one so i would get it from christmas,My order went through no thanks to dicks who think all americans should automatically know currency exchange rates.

LOL, most worldwide financial figures (like the next CPU from Intel, next GPU from NV) as well as most of the online stores over in the states are in US dollars, without different currencies listed.

While it would be nice for there to be a drop-down for selecting your personal currency, ultimately the actual price you pay will often be different. Not only is there the exchange rate (which varies constantly), but the credit card provider often charges commission. is a good site for checking prices. Pity they think everyone is American and is therefore converting to or from USD :rolleyes: :p
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scarface posted on Dec 22 2005 at 09:31 AM said:
I was in a rush to order one so i would get it from christmas,My order went through no thanks to dicks who think all americans should automatically know currency exchange rates.

Oh, God forbid Americans should actually have to use any other currency than their own.
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