Coolest And Wierdest Doom Mods Ever!


Jul 20, 2004
Hello Everyone,

Although we have covered Doom Mods before for ZDoom for gp2x, I believe these particular mods were never featured.

The article is quite recent, and details descriptions, along with youtube videos, as well as links to the mods!

A very well put together list, while some are just demos, and only have a couple levels, I think it should be a good distraction for us from the Pandora delay.

Coolest and Wierdest Doom Mods

I can't wait to try these on my gp2x!


P.S. I hope this was not already covered, if so, I apologize.
Dunny said:
Might I add Deus Vult II?

Awesome map pack, but you'll need something a hell of a lot more powerful than a 2x to play it....

Plays fine with old prboom. Just konks out during level exit. Got a comment here. Trying to get it to work with 2.5.

Good collection of weird wads. Lots more at Doomworld. Some good, some bad. Altogether makes GP2X worth playing some more.
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