Cool, Is It Not?

I've always had a pc at home. School (no matter which one, Grade school, Middle School, High School) has always had the cruddy mac. School is what taught me to hate macs by showcasing their horribleness in their computer rooms. :P


PC users hate Mac users, Mac users hate them back. Stevie hates Billy, and Billy disregards Stevie. Billy knows that 90% of people use PC's using Windows, and that is for a reason. I don't like Windows that much either, but I like compatibilty.
I have not been this excited about a piece of hardware since the Amiga 500.
Honestly this little box could form a new breed of bedroom coder, and demo scener. In many ways its very Amiga. With Mac Mini Apple have albeit unknowingly taken the Amiga philosphy and made a very modern embodiment of the Amiga.

There has been a big debate over here about it .
Am I missing something? Is this not just a small mac?

No - its not just a small Mac. Its not even the fastest mac - but its price means its got potential to grow and breed a new generation of bedroom coders. Its free of all the crap in the PC world. Its got the potential to be a cult machine - its gonna be like 1992 again! Remember that time when computing was fun?
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I've always had a pc at home. School (no matter which one, Grade school, Middle School, High School) has always had the cruddy mac. School is what taught me to hate macs by showcasing their horribleness in their computer rooms. :P
Those Macs are old. Windows 3.1 doesn't exactly look any good either.

PC users hate Mac users, Mac users hate them back.
The most zealous of those users? Sure. Most people don't really care either way. I use both. So do many people. Stop generalising.

Stevie hates Billy, and Billy disregards Stevie.
Idiocy of biblical proportions. Do you honestly think Microsoft ignore Apple? Do you know exactly how much of their OS, from the very first release right up to XP, is based on Apple's OS? Do you realise Microsoft make software for Apple Macs, and Apple make their software work with Windows software explicity?

Billy knows that 90% of people use PC's using Windows, and that is for a reason. I don't like Windows that much either, but I like compatibilty.
Congratulations on being a cattle. Do you want your ass branded now or later? First off, Apple is fine for compatibility. Its user base is larger than that of Linux, so it's usually the second release for game and software developers. Lots of stuff available.

Second off, the only reason is Microsoft's aggressive lock-in tactics and pseudo-blackmail of vendors. They're a criminally tarnished company and have been judged to be an unlawful monopoly, but Bush intervened before anything drastic (like splitting the company up) happened.

Third off, you don't like something but you're forced to use it? That might be true at the workplace, or at school, but at home you're free to make your own decisions. OS X apps support most formats, including Microsoft Office. If you want games, fine, I give up, get a PC. But Apple falls short in that area alone now.
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Sorry, I came off wrong.

I was just trying to say that I h8 macs because of reasons beyond my control.
I'm to poor to get a Mac and I like games too much. And I've been pavlovianly conditioned against them :)

Here comes the stuff that may possibly be biased:

Stevie hates Billy, and Billy disregards Stevie.
I know he doesn't completely ignore Apple, but I'm sure its not top proirity.

Those Macs are old. Windows 3.1 doesn't exactly look any good either.

Some are brand new.
I actually like dos better than Win 3.1. And the old pc's still owned the old macs.

PC users hate Mac users, Mac users hate them back.
Well, thats the general stereotype :P

Do you know exactly how much of their OS, from the very first release right up to XP, is based on Apple's OS?
Mac OS isn't exactly original either. And at least MS doesn't force you
to use their os.

Apple is fine for compatibility
and theres always the dang oldskool MacBus 9pin din crap.

The only thing its really got going for compatibility is USB.

give up, get a PC
I didn't give up, I just didn't give in :P
Honestly, I think Apple is getting stupid and hype-y recently,
take the Mac Mini and Ipod shuffle for example.

Sorry if I've offended :)
First 'PC and Mac users hate each other' and now 'Mac has only 5 games, 1 of which is 3D'. I won't debate with anyone who says that kind of BS.
Ive decided I will get this as my next machine, apple need all the users the can.

I love the Ibook, also there are tons of games, check out etc. I want it now :( If only it had counter strike tho :(

Also pc users are scared.
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For this cash you could build an amazing PC. Forget an amazing Graphics card, and you could get an AMD 64 3400+, with a huge hardrive and 1gb of Ram.
Plus it wouldnt be restricted to 1 ethernet port and 2 usb ports.

You could then tun any Linux distro, many of which I find much better to use than OS X, with a dualboot of Windows just for gaming. I dont see that as 'giving in'.

As for the whole "creating a new underground scene of bedroom coders" argument, I see no argument supporting this. Its just a smaller version of a Mac. Plus with a monitor, keyboard and mouse to buy, it wont be any cheaper than any standard computer. I think the biggest buyers of something like this will be non computer "savvy" middle aged people wanting a 'cheap' quiet family computer without the hassles of XP (spyware etc).

People have reported installing Mac OSX on Linux/Windows in an emulator in 20 minutes using a PC comparable to the one above.

The only Mac I would consider buying is a notebook with a 12 inch screen, as they are actually reasonably priced and achieve true portability more than any PC based notebook.
Very pretty. I'm sure this will appeal to a lot of new computer users who don't want a huge machine taking over the living room.
I wouldn't buy one myself simply because I don't earn enough money to validate paying the higher price tag compared to a pc.
Also I know for a fact that a couple of my favourite games do not have Mac versions available as of yet although I know there are plenty of alternative games available these games I just have to have.

If I could afford it I would probably buy an iBook which has pretty similar specs to the mini but in a notebook which is what I'm really after as a second computer. Mainly so I can surf the net while lounging on the sofa or outside in the summer. B)

I'm not so keen on the ipod shuffle. If it was just a low end mp3 player by Apple that would be great as not everyone needs or can afford the ipod, but it doesn't have a menu screen and I don't see why they are pushing the random playing order feature? All players use this feature and I have seldom used it myself so why they are using it as a major selling point is slightly puzzling.
The price tag is pretty competitive compared to other players of this size but maybe that's why they have left out the screen to keep the price down?
Ive decided I will get this as my next machine, apple need all the users the can.

I love the Ibook, also there are tons of games, check out etc. I want it now :( If only it had counter strike tho :(

Also pc users are scared.
you're acting like deciding to make your next computer a Mac is like giving money to charity or something. Apple themselves are a massive multinational company. After all the iPod does have over 60% market share.

PC users are scared are they? Scared of what exactlty?
Scared of a massively simple operating system? Scared of one mouse button, instead of the functionality of three?

More like they are scared of no upgradeability and bankruptcy. To just say "PC users" are scared is a joke. Go tell that to a user of Gentoo.
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EDIT: We are paying nearly £400 for the low end model while the Americans are paying £318 for the high end model. I hate it here.

Make DAMN SURE you get the educational discount, or consider importing it.

Yeah, pretty much. Although my friends granddad told me learning to code on a Mac is better, for some odd reason.
It just is. Nice IDEs (Xcode), great tools, 'get things done' atmosphere. Invariably tools like Java, Perl, PHP, Apache are ready and waiting for you in the default install.
How do I get an Educational discount? Also my Dad has an Irish VAT number, so I can buy it VAT free.
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EDIT: We are paying nearly £400 for the low end model while the Americans are paying £318 for the high end model. I hate it here.

Make DAMN SURE you get the educational discount, or consider importing it.

Yeah, pretty much. Although my friends granddad told me learning to code on a Mac is better, for some odd reason.
It just is. Nice IDEs (Xcode), great tools, 'get things done' atmosphere. Invariably tools like Java, Perl, PHP, Apache are ready and waiting for you in the default install.
How do I get an Educational discount? Also my Dad has an Irish VAT number, so I can buy it VAT free.

Links to both the UK and Irish education stores.
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£375 with no VAT and an educational discount, thats with a SuperDrive, 80GB HDD and a 1.42Mhz computer, pretty sweet, eh?

If needs be I'll up the ram at a later date.
Ive decided I will get this as my next machine, apple need all the users the can.

I love the Ibook, also there are tons of games, check out etc. I want it now :( If only it had counter strike tho :(

Also pc users are scared.
you're acting like deciding to make your next computer a Mac is like giving money to charity or something. Apple themselves are a massive multinational company. After all the iPod does have over 60% market share.

PC users are scared are they? Scared of what exactlty?
Scared of a massively simple operating system? Scared of one mouse button, instead of the functionality of three?

More like they are scared of no upgradeability and bankruptcy. To just say "PC users" are scared is a joke. Go tell that to a user of Gentoo.
People are scared of change and things that are different. And I was commenting on Windows users (not all of them only the ones that slag off Apple).

Ill probably install a linux distro on it if I get one; I dunno.
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PC users are scared are they? Scared of what exactlty?
Scared of a massively simple operating system? Scared of one mouse button, instead of the functionality of three?

More like they are scared of no upgradeability and bankruptcy. To just say "PC users" are scared is a joke. Go tell that to a user of Gentoo.
Get over yourself. No Linux distro can stand up to Windows yet, let alone OS X. None has proved itself consistently compatible with hardware and stable enough for the kind of stuff home users do. This isn't a locked down server environment. I have had problems with every single Linux distro I've ever used from anything from the multitude of sound mixing daemons working together to nvidia's drivers just plain not working.

You can upgrade the OS. How many users do you know who upgrade their PCs? Open them up and put new stuff inside them? No -conventional- computer user is going to do that. The Mac is perfect for them.

Apple have survived under much worse conditions, close to bankruptcy. Now they have a music player with 60% of the market and have never been more successful on the computer front. Microsoft has a chance of becoming bankrupt, you know. Okay, so it's miniscule. What does that mean? Are you implying that to get to sleep at night you need to buy everything from convicted monopolists? DRM lock-in scares me much more than this paltry argument that Apple might go bankrupt and somehow their user's computers will instantly become expensive paperweights.

Way to make it obvious that you use Gentoo: the moment you said 'massively simple operating system' like it was a BAD thing. Do you know how many Linux users are switching to OS X at the moment? It's based on UNIX, BSD in fact. It has bash. It has a entire suite of developer tools with it. Now you complain because you can't use anything that lets you set up wireless automatically just by placing your iBook near a wireless point. You've rather screw with hackjob workarounds for proprietary devices and mess with ipconfig until your eyes have sunken past your jawline.

Simple to use, not simple in depth. I don't miss the two mouse buttons because the entire OS and application set are designed for one. Looks like Apple's designers invested some effort into making this possible instead of spreading functions around extra mouse buttons and menus to confuse the end-user.
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PC users are scared are they? Scared of what exactlty?
Scared of a massively simple operating system? Scared of one mouse button, instead of the functionality of three?
More like they are scared of no upgradeability and bankruptcy. To just say "PC users" are scared is a joke. Go tell that to a user of Gentoo.

Simple to use, not simple in depth.

nicley said.
2 kudos for rico, and a magic internet prize.

it's like this conversation with my year 8 mac hating science teaher:
Him: If macs are so easy to use, that must mean that more people who dont know a lot about computers use them.
me: Easy to figure out, so you can do complex things without making it complex. Plus, you're a goddamn child molester.
him: ...

ok so i embellished, but you get the point.
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