Cool, Is It Not?


That is pretty funny. Apple fanboiz kind of remind me of Nintendo fanboiz.
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Saying that 90% of computer users are Windows fanboy'z' and its rather stupid really seeing how its not the best OS, it may be the best supported but this in no way makes it the best. My friend refused to talk to me cause I was on an Ibook the other week ffs.
You all ignore OS X. The reason I'd buy a non-gaming Mac over a non-gaming PC is OS X, regardless of added price. It works nicer, feels better, I get work done quicker and have less unexplainable annoying bugs.

Of course the coolness is a factor, and with the high price comes much better quality. The iBook has 6 hours of battery life, a very good wireless range, microphone, runs smoothly, comes with tons of extra software (iLife, iWork soon/else AppleWorks, games) and an LCD with no dead pixels. For that reason buying a PC laptop seems too risky for me nowadays.
Edit: Also, you can get a proper PC with twice the specs from Dell (or anywhere else) for $100 less than that.
but it'll run terrible. and the specs? i'll make it simple: apple uses different processors that require fewer cycles to run at the same speed or faster than AMDs and intels. the PC proc makers NEED the extra mhz and fsb to run at the same speed. ram is managed effectively in OSX, and having only 256mb i can run photoshop, itunes, mozilla, MSN and my P2P proggy at the same time. the HD i'll admit is small, but i think they used notebook drives (CMIIW) so the price is higher.

Wait, why is this good again? It's just another computer, that just happens to be small. Nice looking design, blah blah blah. It's the same thing people. Unless you need portability for a desktop computer, stop drooling.
its good for people who perfer computers that run well that dont have a lot of money (like me).

* I see no point in a pretty looking computer thats a works like a peice of waffled excrement.
modded PCs anyone?
* I see no point in a low end desktop computer that you can fit in you pocket.
big pockets.
* I see no point in a lightweight computer when I'm never going to move it anyway.
who cares about the weight? small size=more space.
* I see no point in having all addons be external. Internal upgrades rule.
um, why would you buy a SFF comp to make internal upgrades?

That is pretty funny. Apple fanboiz kind of remind me of Nintendo fanboiz.
thing is, WE CAN SPELL.

and for crissakes people: MACS CAN PLAY GAMES. go to the apple software site, there's plenty of games available (DOOM 3... yeah). and of course apple's site isnt the only place that has games... i'm sick and tired of people saying there's no point to getting a mac to game. its just not true.
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To all those people saying that Mac is no good because of it's 'low spec processor', Macs need nowhere as near fast processors to do exactly the same (in some terms better) as today's high end PCs do. I'm no Mac expert (having never owned one myself), but I'd hazard a guess that Mac Mini could outstrip most of the PCs you guys own and probably even at the very least hold their own against today's latest and greatest PC processors being released.

The only thing I noticed though is only 32MB of memory on the video processor. Dunno if that's a problem on Macs or not though.

With everything I've read about Macs recently, if they weren't so damn expnsive I'd probably get one myself, hell I hardly use my PC to play the latest games on, most of the stuff I play (emulation, from Mame right down the line along all computers and consoles) I know IS available on Mac, and everything else I like doing (net, watching anime, encoding/listening to MP3s, even video capture) would probably be even cooler done on a Mac. Like I said, lack of funds is what stops me at the latest Windoze PC though.

If I had the money, what I'd personally prefer is to get a new G5 in an expendable case. No matter what system I went with, I'd like to have one that is upgradable if I feel the need for it. That's not to say that I haven't liked the look of the other brands on Mac in the past, the iMac I saw recently in a Flat Panel monitor I thought really kicked arse in the looks department (and of course is one hell of a space saver). The specs are really good too.

But as for that new Mini Mac, I personally don't like the look of it at all. Nothing to do with specs, it just doesn't look right, it just looks like a toy instead of a proper computer. And as for the new Mini iPod, what is the point of only having 1GB max? Many people would have much more than that, I mean, my onw personal MP3 stash at the moment sits at over 5GB, not counting what I've also burned of the CDs in the past.

Still, I'm sure there must be a market for them somewhere or Apple wouldn't release them.
I'm looking into an Ibook atm. But I really don't know anything about Macs, does anyone have a Mac begginer's guide or somesuch? I'm looking at the smallest model right now(the 12" i beleive it is) anything I should know before buying it? Any good retailers? Thanks in advance.
Edit: Also, you can get a proper PC with twice the specs from Dell (or anywhere else) for $100 less than that.
but it'll run terrible. and the specs? i'll make it simple: apple uses different processors that require fewer cycles to run at the same speed or faster than AMDs and intels. the PC proc makers NEED the extra mhz and fsb to run at the same speed.
To all those people saying that Mac is no good because of it's 'low spec processor', Macs need nowhere as near fast processors to do exactly the same (in some terms better) as today's high end PCs do.
I saw a programme quite recently where they took a Mac and a PC with equivalent specs and did the same things on them, they tested it with some games and with Photoshop and the PC got much more fps on the games and performed quicker in Photoshop.
Then they dropped them both off a balcony. The PC survived, the Mac didnt. :P
The PC was also about £500 cheaper
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looks like a tin of meat, wonder it you can open it with a can opener.
if it runs freeBSD then may get a couple for work.
I have not been this excited about a piece of hardware since the Amiga 500.
Honestly this little box could form a new breed of bedroom coder, and demo scener. In many ways its very Amiga. With Mac Mini Apple have albeit unknowingly taken the Amiga philosphy and made a very modern embodiment of the Amiga.

There has been a big debate over here about it .
I'm thinking of getting one, but would it be enough for just web-browsing, word processing and stuff?

My only problem is alot of programs won't run on it, like ZOT!, for example.

EDIT: Scratch that it will, I'm definitly getting one of these, who needs a gaming PC any way?
I thought ZOT had a mac runtime ages ago, within a few weeks of initial development...

As for web browsing, word processing, etc., you'll have a much nicer experience on a mac (at least in my opinion)...

As for compatibility, you can get mac versions of most stuff now. I can't think of one thing I could do on a PC that can't be done on a mac, and at any event, you've got Virtual PC, so you can always fall back to Windows anyway...

We use macs to develop for PC's at work - freaks customers out, but when they see how much easier it is, they usually love it...
I'm definitly getting one of these, its going ahead of the PSP on my list.

I think I will use it as my primary computer, but keep it set on top of my PC incase I ever need windows. Will my Moniter, mouse and keyboard work?

EDIT: We are paying nearly £400 for the low end model while the Americans are paying £318 for the high end model. I hate it here.

EDIT2: How much would the 1.42GHz, 80GB model cost? (Apples site is damn confusing). Also is there much differance in a 1.25GHz and a 1.42GHz?
I have not been this excited about a piece of hardware since the Amiga 500.
Honestly this little box could form a new breed of bedroom coder, and demo scener. In many ways its very Amiga. With Mac Mini Apple have albeit unknowingly taken the Amiga philosphy and made a very modern embodiment of the Amiga.

There has been a big debate over here about it .
Am I missing something? Is this not just a small mac?
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Yeah, pretty much. Although my friends granddad told me learning to code on a Mac is better, for some odd reason.
Yeah, pretty much. Although my friends granddad told me learning to code on a Mac is better, for some odd reason.

Doesn't sound like the sort of thing a Grandad usually says :P

And BOTGimp, all mac software will be compatible with this (RAM allowing of course) - thats the beauty of macs :)
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I think I will use it as my primary computer, but keep it set on top of my PC incase I ever need windows. Will my Moniter, mouse and keyboard work?

EDIT: We are paying nearly £400 for the low end model while the Americans are paying £318 for the high end model. I hate it here.

EDIT2: How much would the 1.42GHz, 80GB model cost? (Apples site is damn confusing). Also is there much differance in a 1.25GHz and a 1.42GHz?
your monitor will. if your mose and KB are USB compatible then they wil as well. if not, adapters are cheap. also, since you're swapping, get a kVM switch so you can use monitor, mouse and KB on both w/o unplugging. As far as the speed, it shouldnt make a huge diference for what you're doing with it. if yu have the cash get the 1.42 as you get more HD space as well.
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you're in san fran?!?! hello! go to the apple store. the guys that work there can give you a hand, and they got all their comps available for testing.
i love san fransisco, you're lucky. i wish i lived there.

Heh I figured that they wouldn't really be helping me out there, just helping me part with my money. I go check it out sometime...where'd that damn Bart ticket of mine go? Heh, SF is a great city.
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EDIT: We are paying nearly £400 for the low end model while the Americans are paying £318 for the high end model. I hate it here.

Make DAMN SURE you get the educational discount, or consider importing it.

Yeah, pretty much. Although my friends granddad told me learning to code on a Mac is better, for some odd reason.
It just is. Nice IDEs (Xcode), great tools, 'get things done' atmosphere. Invariably tools like Java, Perl, PHP, Apache are ready and waiting for you in the default install.
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