Computer's messed up, need help

GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
Visit site
Something's going wrong with my computer. Everytime I go on the internet,
this error message usually comes up within the first 20 minutes of being
on it..

System Shutdown

This system is shutting down. Please save all
work in progress and log off. Any unsaved
changes will be lost. This shutdown was

Windows must now restart because the
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service
terminated unexpectedly

I am given exactly one minute when this error pops up, and I am unable to
disconnect the internet manually when this happens (First time when I was
closing and saving stuff I attempted to disconnect the internet before
shutting down) so maybe the internet might have something to do with it,
although I dont see what's happened that's causing it...
If anyone can give me a direct solution I'd greatly appreciate it (And by
a "direct solution" I mean as in a "Fix ASAP" way, this constant shutting
down and rebooting from the error is beginning to be a pain in the
diablojeff posted on Aug 12 2003 said:
does this have anyhting to do with the gp32?!?!?!?!? <_<
Why the heck do you think I am posting this in the off-topic forum? :P
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Yeah I've heard a lot about this problem today. A lot of people have been affected by it (think it's some kind of malicious code?). Nothing happening to me because I run windowsupdate every few days :D
DarkGod, could you tell me exactly where I go from here? I already tried downloading something earlier from this page but it didnt work (I tried downloading the "Windows XP 64-bit" patch i think, but the file was corrupt and i had to use the download accelerator to resume the download about 3 times cuz the computer kept restarting during my downloading).
WTF? my computer has been doing this ALL DAY LONG :angry: and it is when i'm in IE
D/\MN|T it just came up :angry: again F+++ing computer <_<
OK you are infected with the MBLAST.exe virus, just about everyone (including me) with windows XP has been infected with this in the last few weeks.

And its a bastard.

It gets onto your computer through a bug in windows XP's internet access.

To remove it go here and read the bottom about removal instructions.

You don't need the virus software, just do what it says then search for mblast.exe and delete it.

Note you need the XP 32bit patch (does 64bit windows exist?)

DO THIS AT ONCE. While your infected your computer is attacking others and DOS'ing microsofts website.

I spent ages last night removing the damn thing!
It was quite difficult to fix, mainly because as soon as I went on the internet to try and fix it it, the 60 second countdown would start up and then I'd run out of time <_<
Luckly I got another system task to crash and cause one of those standard XP "send information to microsoft about this crash" error boxes to appear. It seemed to halt anymore things from crashing, so I just left it there while I got PC-cillin :D
craigix posted on Aug 12 2003 said:
Note you need the XP 32bit patch (does 64bit windows exist?)
There's a 88 bit core replacement of windows called hare. It got a option of 64 bit for better comptinabilty. I'ts able to speed up you're system to a good 300%!!!!
You can get it here

Btw why are you still using download acelerator? Leechget or stardownloader are much better and faster to (leech get is downloading the newest niveada drivers with 7,51 kb/s @ a modem connection (56k6) :D)
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Problem solved... Thank you DarkGod and Craigx! :)

Stupid AVG Virus Scanner, even with an updated database it didnt let me know of the msblast.exe worm, oh well
Man - even I got that virus. It's the first in 3 years that has got past my firewall and (always up to date) virus scanner. Got rid of the little bastard though!

that's a good page for info about it and removal instructions. Is better than the symantec page if you ask me - more setail (if you like that sort of thing).