Compiling GPSBabel problems


Apr 26, 2010
So I tried to compile GPSBabel ( so I could read the logs from my Travel Honey GPS logger on the Pandora (and set locations for simple geocaching).

First I tried freamon's C/C++ Development Tools. Doing a "configure" worked created up to linking when I got an "expat" not found error. Trying to install by "opkg install expat" only brought an error and I only found the sources for expat and didn't want to risk compiling it directly and adding it to the nand.

So I tried to install expat in sebt3's Yactfeau, which worked great. But then when doing a "configure" I get another error: "checking whether the C compiler works... configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs." Just calling make does nothing, as no Makefile exists (only a, but I've got no idea what that does...).

So now how do I proceed, any help anyone? (:
did you do setprj followed by pndconfigure?

./configure won't work.
Compiled without a problem in sebt3's toolchain for me...
I can make a pnd with gebabbel, a qt frontend for it, if you like.

Just saw, it comes with a gui, nevermind...
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Stupid me, I forgot all about pndconfigure... :/

Guess that's what I get for not trying to do some development for a few months.

Thanks for the help! (:
Ok so I got a working pnd, yay! (: Well but of course it is the command-line gpsbabel... Is there a way to call the pnd from a terminal like if it was installed in the OS so I could use parameters? Or would I have to edit the start script?

Of course it would be better to use the gui, but how do I specify another binary with pndmakeauto and genpxml? Also if the gui needs the compiled command line binary (which I guess it does) would it be enough to include both in the same pnd so they can find each other?
Ok so I got a working pnd, yay! (: Well but of course it is the command-line gpsbabel... Is there a way to call the pnd from a terminal like if it was installed in the OS so I could use parameters? Or would I have to edit the start script?
Off of the top of my head, I think you can do this like so;

Code: /path/to/app.pnd
Hm ok it looks like it starts the pnd but I can't pass parameters to gpsbabel that way...
The gui needs tcl/tk. Trying to get it to work right now.
Cool thanks, I will try it! Also if it's not too much trouble, could you tell me what you did to get it to work with gebabbel?
Works great after I found out how to enter the settings. (: Thanks again mcobit!
Good, so I can package this up properly now.

Getting the frontend and gpsbabel togehther is as easy as compiling and installing both into the sAme dir.

Export PATH to the dir with both binaries in the startupscript.
Good, so I can package this up properly now.

Getting the frontend and gpsbabel togehther is as easy as compiling and installing both into the sAme dir.

Export PATH to the dir with both binaries in the startupscript.

Ok the "epxort" part I understand (I think), it's just an entry in the script in the pnd. What do you mean by "installing" though, just copying the binaries or use the linux "install" command and if so, how?

Sorry for asking so much, it's just the whole "cross-compiling with yactefeau and making a working pnd"-thing is still a mystery to me, if pndconfigure and pndmakeauto fail I'm lost (I don't even begin to understand how they do, my best theory is it's magic...). :unsure:
That depends on the program:

In this example, you install gpsbabel after compiling with make install. That puts the binary into /mnt/utmp/gpsbabel/bin

After that you can just compile gebabbel and put the binary in the same place, as it doesn't matter for this program, where the executable is located.