That would have been awesome to have. Everybody pre-calculates their sines, why not give us half a sine, which could have been used for, say, volume ramping. Maybe the BASIC could have been written more efficiently to make space for it. (or use a ROM, like the C128 does - but yeah, price).Or would expect a lookup table in the 64K RAM?
C64 38911 Basic Bytes Free -> 64*1024-38911=26625 bytes used for Basic
C128 122365 Basic Bytes Free -> 2*64*1024-122365=8707 bytes used for Basic
Enough room for Graphical basic (beyond the splitscreen graphical mode):
Commodore Software - BASIC 8 ROM
Basic 8 is a new and exciting programming environment for the C128 computer owner. It allows you to use an entirely new aspect of graphics on the ...
About bankswitching, and how to make your C128 have 1MB RAM
CBM: Expansion - C128 to 256kB, 512kB or 1024kB
Testing if your C128 has 16k or 64k video RAM
And in general, which C128 had more video RAM
Type this line in 80 column mode:
Code:POKE DEC("D600"),28:POKE DEC("D601"),63:SYS DEC("FF62"):SCNCLR <RETURN>
If the screen looks normal and says READY, and all that, you've got 64K
display memory. If the screen is full of 0's and looks like a programming
nightmare, you've got 16K (just hit Stop/Restore and let Mr. Kernel fix it).
Want more C128 software goodies? This site has it:
Commodore Software - Commodore 128 Specific Software
Commodore 64 & 128 applications, utilities, tools and more!
Some light reading (same rant as always, but very enjoyable):

Jack Tramiel Got A Good Deal, And Ruined Everything
A sideshow in the playground wars of the early 1980s over who had the best home computer lay in the quality of their onboard BASIC interpreters. Where this is being written the cream of the crop wa…