Coming Soon ... Retrovirus Rts

ingrin posted on Aug 3 2006 at 09:17 PM said:
RotoVirus - Fun Outta Both Ends

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Just so long as we don't get in an argument about whether it is "viruses" or "virii" like they did over at Darwinia Forums when that game came out :o
I don't think there is any risk in that, after all, only a freedom hating fool would think virii is the plural of viruses.
dodgyville posted on Aug 4 2006 at 01:35 AM said:
thos_thom posted on Aug 4 2006 at 08:41 AM said:
No, the world of homebrew is too small for us to be fighting over names, don't change it on my account. There is room enough for the both of us.

I look forward to playing Retro-Virus RTS

Tell me a little about it, will it be as it seems, at the cellular level? If so will you be playing the virus, the body or the retro-virus?

Thos_thom, thank-you for your generous offer to share the name, I was genuinely touched. Your game looks like it will be a lot of fun and I look forward to playing it.

I see no harm looking for an alternative name, in fact, if anyone on the board has a suggestion I would love to hear it.

What I liked about [R]e[T]roviru RTS was the aliteration(?) and symmetry of the title, so new titles will be looked upon favourably if they match that.

About the gameplay:
The game is indeed set at the cellular level, but I make no claim to being medically accurate.

Basically - an alien virus has invaded a body infecting cells. You play a doctor who uses a scanner to inject retroviruses into "good" cells to mutate them into specialised cells or to upgrade them.

I suppose other title suggestions could possibly be:
strange condition rts
Cell Fever RTS
The Frantabulous, Crantankerous Infection of Gustav Beyer
Strange Patient RTS
dioxin rts

Any other variations would be good.


I like RNA RTS. Due to the fact that the restorviruses would be created by modification of their RNA. DNA RTS doesn't have the same ring to it, although you do suggest that the retroviruses change the DNA of the Human Cells.

Ribonucleic Acid RTS?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid RTS?

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X-Code posted on Aug 4 2006 at 05:33 PM said:
Really Twisted Syndrome - RTS :lol:

Hey, I'm not too inspired, wait until I have my beers... Both games are looking / sounding great :) , well done.

Many great suggestions from people.

I really like this one, actually (I don't know why). I guess my top three so far are:

Pathogen RTS
Really Twisted Syndrome RTS
and the original
retrovirus RTS
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Goity posted on Aug 5 2006 at 08:02 AM said:
STI RTS! Or, Stirts.

Please nobody suggest STD RTS!!!

I'm also leaning towards
Alien Bodies RTS

So please let me know your preference from:

Pathogen RTS
Really Twisted Syndrome RTS
retrovirus RTS
Alien Bodies RTS
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dodgyville posted on Aug 5 2006 at 12:16 AM said:
Goity posted on Aug 5 2006 at 08:02 AM said:
STI RTS! Or, Stirts.

Please nobody suggest STD RTS!!!

I'm also leaning towards
Alien Bodies RTS

So please let me know your preference from:

Pathogen RTS
Really Twisted Syndrome RTS
retrovirus RTS
Alien Bodies RTS
Really Twisted Syndrome minus the RTS.
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Pathogen RTS has a nice ring to it.

And I still :lol: at your avatar!

"Dexter's been expelled?!??!?!"