Retrovirus Rts


Oct 15, 2005
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My new real-time strategy game, retrovirus RTS, is now beta testing! It should be available soon. I'm excited about actually finishing a real game! I've started so many projects over the years that it's quite amazing to actually get a real commercial game out the door (almost).

Anyway, here's a video of the game in action (it's a tad blurry, but it's almost impossible to notice).

Here's a screen shot for clarity.
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Looks original and fun! Like Sam said, the exploding part is quite weird (why not make them desintegrate or something). I hope you'll release a demo sometime! :)

- Alex
This looks like an amazingly polished game, from the youtube video.

At least, the interface looks polished, and the virii attack one another in a clear and obviously violent way, which is to say much the same thing. This is one I'll keep my eyes on over the next little while.
This looks very interesting, but shouldn't a cell desolve or fade away rather than explode? ;)

So, you control a virus, and you fight...other viruses? What about infecting red blood cells? Can you control multiple infected cells, or just the one? Viruses can infect blood cells after all.....

I'll keep an eye on this one, it looks like my sort of game :D
Is it just me, or are the viruses going too slow? Is there going to be a way to speed through faster? Other than that, the game looks great! Of course the explosions don't make sense, but it looks so cool! :D