Colecovision Power Adapter


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Since almost 50% of all existing Colecovision Power Supplies have died and it's almost impossible getting new ones, here's a small project we worked on and which is now finished.

Production is planned to happen early 2018, a working prototype does already exist :)

Here's a small video:

@ED MIght pick one up as a spare for my colecovision. Do you have a price in mind yet?
Cool project. I do not own a Colecovision myself, but I love how dedicated you are to retrogaming :)
@ED MIght pick one up as a spare for my colecovision. Do you have a price in mind yet?
I am waiting for quotations, but hopefully not more than 25 Eur.

I bought two Colecovisions and both had broken power supplies... That's how the idea came to mind.

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Clever solution. I would want it for all my retro hardware. Would be way easier to plug them all into a USB hub instead of having all those old (and big) AC adapters running across the back of my monitor. But one step at a time I guess ;) awesome idea ED!
Clever solution. I would want it for all my retro hardware. Would be way easier to plug them all into a USB hub instead of having all those old (and big) AC adapters running across the back of my monitor. But one step at a time I guess ;) awesome idea ED!

Well, for most of the Retro Hardware, you can easily get a new power supply... but the Colecovision has -5V, +5V and +12V... try to find a supply for that :)

That's why that was most important.
Well, for most of the Retro Hardware, you can easily get a new power supply... but the Colecovision has -5V, +5V and +12V... try to find a supply for that :)

That's why that was most important.
Of course, that seems reasonable to me :) just saying that this idea could be very useful in all consoles.
cool little thingy!
time to get a coleco for xmas! :)
Clever solution. I would want it for all my retro hardware. Would be way easier to plug them all into a USB hub instead of having all those old (and big) AC adapters running across the back of my monitor. But one step at a time I guess ;) awesome idea ED!

The N64 also takes two lots of 2.7A at 3.3V and a measly 0.8A at 12V. Getting 5.4A at 3.7V from a 5V supply alone would take a hell of a lot of current, even with an extremely efficient conversion. You're going to need to stick to 110V+ mains based supplies for the foreseeable, or maybe these newer 20V 5A USB supplies can help.