ColecoVision app - KS

I saw this earlier, I was thinking of backing it but I don't like most of the games they have a license for and will be including. I also don't understand why they need so much to develop it. $250k seems like a goal to far, even with the press they have gotten , it doesn't look like they will get close to the target.

I might just dust off my Colecovision in my parents garage. Maybe it will will bring back some nostalgic memories of when I won the Australian Colecovision championship back in the early 80s.
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Yeah yeah ... photo of this so called championships trophy or it never happened :)
^ it's embarrassing , so I'll give you a chance to re consider - remember , what has been seen , cannot be unseen.
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haha! Go on then, my retina is scared anyway

Even if the photographic evidence is embarrassing for you, you should still feel very proud of the achievement
So not to derail this thread , I posted it in a new thread in the the off topic section.
Yeah I first thought it was going to be H/W when i see the thumbnail on the games page of KS... alas
I would gladly pay a premium for 100% compatible hardware with hardware scaling/scanlines built in and HDMI output.

Not just for colecovision but any console/retro computer (I'M LOOKING AT YOU C=64 AND AMIGA!)