Coding Compo

daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 22 2006 at 05:36 PM said:
fuck yeah! Some of those entries look amazing (especially the one with 'candice and some kid')
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I love puzzle games so the entry that second on the left looks very similar to Ballistics/Puzz Loop. I loved that game. I hope it plays the same by the screenshot. I used to play the PSX and GBC version all the time.
Kayday posted on Feb 23 2006 at 03:05 AM said:
I love puzzle games so the entry that second on the left looks very similar to Ballistics/Puzz Loop. I loved that game. I hope it plays the same by the screenshot. I used to play the PSX and GBC version all the time.

It's similar to Balistic/Zuma. I haven't played Puzz Loop, but I assume it's the same idea.

/me runs off to try Puzz Loop on MameOx

Thanks for the encouragement!
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mooseknuckle2000 posted on Feb 23 2006 at 03:20 AM said:
zuma rules. that game is so addicting
Yeah, if you liked it so much, I would have thought that you would have responded to my PM when I was looking for a tester. Oh well. I guess you'll have to wait like everyone else. :P
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That panzer general was done by a spanish girl, Misato, that doesn't even have a gp2x, she just sent the files to a friend and he tested it, awesome, isn't it?
She is about to buy a gp2x, that's what she said to me this evening.

EDIT: that colums clone is from her too.
bacteria posted on Feb 23 2006 at 03:44 PM said:
Were there any more entries in the compo, if so, does anyone have any additional screenshots for us to drool over?
I think that there were 26 entries total..... so that means that we still haven't seen screenshots for 7 of them. But I'd rather get to download the games we've seen than look at more screenshots.
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Expect an update from me soon after the entries are released with a few bugfixes, more options and faster runtime.