Code::Blocks with C/C++ Compiler

Updated the list with newer versions and two more updates that would be great to have:

See below
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ah, sqlite & protobuf... Mmm ok. I'll probably start working on that soon.

openssl 1.0.2k => done
zlib 1.2.11 => done
libpng 1.6.28 => done
flac 1.3.2 => done
harfbuzz 1.4.2 => done
fftw 3.3.6 => done
sqlite 3.17.0 => done
opus 1.1.4 => done
wavpack 5.10 => done
libwebp 0.5.2 => done
protobuf 3.2.0 => done
git 2.11.1 => done
Subversion 1.9.5 => done (latest from svn)
yaml-cpp 0.5.3 => done
poppler 0.52.0 (after compiling QT 5.8) => done
QT 5.8 => done (without qtWebEngine but with qtWebKit).

I'll keep track of progress here...
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I had issues compiling protobuf a while back. I got it to compile, but the unit tests were segfaulting. Removing -fsingle-precision-constant compiler flag made all the tests before the segfault pass, but I still got the segfault. I opened a discussion for it here.

If I recall correctly, I wanted protobuf in order to try and compile newer versions of the following:

Wagic (might be recalling incorrectly for this one)

Unfortunately I haven't had time to investigate further, and now I've gone and dropped my Pandora and need to fix a bunch of things...
I'm not sure QtWebEngine from Qt5.8 can be compiled on 32bits system :(

One of the file just get killed everytime. I tried to split that file, but still one of the piece get killed (and yes, I don't have -pipe used, have a very large swapfile of 4GB active, my TMP env. var point to my HDD and I force no optimi on that file). I think I will have to try to cross compile it.
But I need to package a temporary version of codeblocks for that to use latest updated lib (as my cross-compile env. use the current codeblocks.nd to get all the libs).
So... that will take an even longer time to prepare the environnement, and probably even more to get Qt 5.8 to cross-compile nicely.
I'm not sure QtWebEngine from Qt5.8 can be compiled on 32bits system :(

Now i understand why there's a configure flag to disable QtWebEngine compilation:

-skip qtwebengine

Maybe you could use it, or skip building it if you are compiling with submodules, so you can release a new updated Codeblocks beta PND sooner.
Now i understand why there's a configure flag to disable QtWebEngine compilation:

-skip qtwebengine

Maybe you could use it, or skip building it if you are compiling with submodules, so you can release a new updated Codeblocks beta PND sooner.
Yeah, I can do that. I need to build a codeblocks pnd for my cross toolchain anyway.
Also, I noticed also that in the readme, it's noted that QtWebEngine cannot be built on 32bits MacOS (using clang), but nothing on Linux.
So, that new Qt 5.8 needs Xkb to work. But, as canseco already noticed, this doesn't seems to work well with Pandora keyboard. I point Xkb correct firmware folder (I guess it's correct) using
export QT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT="/usr/share/X11/xkb"
But special Pandora keymap is not handled (like trying to input : in latest otter browser is impossible for now using Pandora keyboard).

Any hint someone?
Pandora keymap is not available as an xkb option. It is using some standard map I forgot - the resulting map claims evdev+aliases(querty) keycodes and pc+us+evdev(inet) symbols - and then hacked up using xmodmap (resultng e.g. in DEL being on Ctrl+Alt+Backspace instead of the intended Shift+Backspace). It would probably help to add actual Pandora variants to the xkb files. Attached is an attempt [it is actually a text file, but named .zip to fool the board) I did several months ago, but I don't remember much of the details.


Another batch of boring to compile but needed libs.

libpcap 1.8.1 Missing??
libsifplayfp 1.8.7 Missing?? (Kodi used to have support for SID files)
harfbuzz 1.4.6
sqlite 3.18
yaml-cpp 0.5.3 - Needed by newer OpenXcom versions
nss 3.30.2 - Undefined reference errors with newer sqlite3. Needed by Yacreader.
qca 2.1.3
libpng 1.6.29
SDL1 image 1.2.12
Poppler 0.54.0

I will post links later, not much time now.

EDIT: Done
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The new build is on the repo.

In a nutshell

Update v2.40.15
  • Updated GCC to 6.3.0
  • Updated Codeblocks
  • Updated Qt to 5.8.0
  • Updated many libs!
Detailled log (but probably still missing a few stuff) in the spoiler.

********* 09/09/2016
* gcc            6.2.0

********* 10/09/2016
+ flif            fresh from github (SIMD deactivated)
+ qt-flif-plugin    fresh from git, on qt4 and qt5
+ insight        latest cvs (tcl/tk version of gdb)

********* 11/09/2016
* gdb            7.11.1 (with libgdb.a)

********* 13/09/2016
* wxWidget        3.0.2 rebuilt withh gcc 6.2.0
* codeblocks    latest from svn (rev 10905)
+ libfilezilla    0.6.1

******** Codeblocks 2.30.15 beta

********* 20/09/2016
+ libxmp        latest from git

********* 23/09/2016
+ vim            latest from git (8.0.8)
+ emacs            25.1.2

********* 01/10/2016
* bennugd        latest from svn

********* 08/10/2016
+ cdrkit        1.10
+ fuseiso        latest from svn

********* 18/10/2016
* apitrace        latest from git (with hacked for gles11 and for gles2)

********* 13/11/2016
+ gsl            2.2.1

********* 20/11/2016
* gtkmm            2.20.4 recompiled with GCC 6.2
* pango            1.32.4 recompiled with GCC 6.2
* Python        3.4.5

********* 01/12/2016
* SFML2            latest from git

********* 13/12/2016
* 7z            16.02
* dmg2img        1.6.5

********* 17/12/2016
* libpng        1.6.26 (with apng support from LFS)
+ lzip            1.18
* gmp            6.1.2

********* 17/12/2016
* openssl        1.0.2j
* nettle        3.3
* sqlite        3.15.02
+ macutils        2.0b3
* game-music-emu latest from git
* WavPack        latest from git
* taglib        1.11.1 (latest from git)
* opus            1.1.3
* fifechan        latest from git
* celt            0.11.1

********* 18/12/2016
* poddle        0.50
+ glib-networking 2.42.0
* gnutls        3.5.7

********* 18/12/2016
* libsoup        2.56.0
+ libsecret        0.16

********* 22/12/2016
* mpfr            3.1.5
* mpc            1.0.3

********* 26/12/2016
* xcb-proto        1.12
* libxcb        1.12 (with -mfpu=vfpv3 to avoid bus error)
* glib-networking 2.50, compile again (use GIO_EXTRA_MODULES=/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/lib/gio/modules for the glib module to actually load)
* libfreetype    latest from git (compiled with -mfpu=vfpv3 to avoid some bus error)
* libwebkitgtk1    2.4.11 (without sound or video, because they need gstreamer-1.0)

********* 31/12/2016
******** Codeblocks 2.31.15 beta

********* 01/01/2017
* gcc            6.3
* gstreamer        0.10.36    (rebuilt with gcc 6.3)
* allegro
+ libsidplay    1.36.59
+ sidplay, sidcon & sid3wav    1.0.9 (use libsidplay)
* gst-plugins-base 0.10.36 (rebuilt with gcc 6.3)
* gst-plugins-good 0.10.31 (rebuilt with gcc 6.3)
* gst-plugin-bad 0.10.23 (rebuilt with gcc 6.3)
* gst-plugin-ugly 0.10.19 (rebuilt with gcc 6.3)
+ netsurf-buildsystem latest from git
+ libwapcplet    latest from git
+ libparserutils latest from git
+ libcss        latest from git (from netsurf...)
+ libhubbub        latest from git
+ libdom        latest from git
+ libnfsb        latest from git
+ libnsbmp        latest from git
+ libnsgif        latest from git
+ librosprite    latest from git
+ libsvgtiny    latest from git
+ libnsutils    latest from git
+ libutf8proc    latest from git
+ nsgenbind        latest from git

********* 05/01/2017
* libcroco        0.6.11

********* 09/01/2017
+ extract-adf    latest from git
+ libADF        latest from git (with unadf)

********* 15/01/2017
* libvpx        latest from git

********* 05/02/2017
* openal        latest from git
* SDL_sound-2.0 latest from hg, just rebuilt
* SDL_image-2.0    latest from hg
* SDL_mixer-2.0    latest from hg
* SDL_net-2.0    latest from hg
* SDL_ttf-2.0    latest from hg

********* 06/02/2017
* SFML            rebuilt with tremor instead of vorbisfile

********* 15/02/2017
* openssl         1.0.2k
* zlib            1.2.11
* libpng        1.6.28
* flac            1.3.2

********* 16/02/2017
* harfbuzz        1.4.2
* fftw            3.3.6
* sqlite        3.17.00
* opus            1.1.4
* wavpack        5.10
* libwebp        0.5.2

********* 17/02/2017
* protobuf        3.2.0
* git            2.11.1
* svn            latest from svn (1.9.5+)
* yaml-cpp        0.5.3

********* 19/02/2017
* binutils        2.27

********* 25/02/2017
* binutils        downgraded gold to 2.25.1
+ libasyncs        latest from git
* libtools        2.4.6
* pulseaudio    latest from git

********* 26/02/2017
* exiv2            0.25

********* 05/03/2017
+ DirectFB        latest from git

********* 11/03/2017
* Qt            5.8 but without WebEngine
* Hack            added execvpe to the libarmucontext hack
+ SDL2_gfx        latest from svn

********* 18/03/2017
* Qt            5.8 rebuilt
* QtWebKit        5.8
* cmake            3.7.2
* fifechan        0.1.4

********* 22/03/2017
* FFmpeg        latest from git

********* 25/03/2017
+ algif            1.3
+ jpegalleg        2.5
+ alpng            1.5

********* 26/03/2017
* poppler        0.52.0

********* 26/03/2017
******** Codeblocks 2.31.15 beta

********* 30/03/2017
* Qt            5.8, rebuilt without xkb-evdev

********* 31/03/2017
* sdl            1.2 rebuilt without directfb

********* 01/04/2017
* Qt            5.8 rebuilt with xkb-evdev

********* 08/04/2017
+ libopenmpt    0.2.7774-beta22

********* 09/04/2017
* Qt            XKB Hack in place, with /mnt/utmp/codeblocks/xkbpandora
* SDL_sound        rebuilt

********* 10/04/2017
* wildmidi        latest from git

********* 22/04/2017
* freetype2        latest from git (with vfpv3)
* harfbuzz        latest from git

********* 03/05/2017
******** Codeblocks 2.40.15