********* 09/09/2016
* gcc 6.2.0
********* 10/09/2016
+ flif fresh from github (SIMD deactivated)
+ qt-flif-plugin fresh from git, on qt4 and qt5
+ insight latest cvs (tcl/tk version of gdb)
********* 11/09/2016
* gdb 7.11.1 (with libgdb.a)
********* 13/09/2016
* wxWidget 3.0.2 rebuilt withh gcc 6.2.0
* codeblocks latest from svn (rev 10905)
+ libfilezilla 0.6.1
******** Codeblocks 2.30.15 beta
********* 20/09/2016
+ libxmp latest from git
********* 23/09/2016
+ vim latest from git (8.0.8)
+ emacs 25.1.2
********* 01/10/2016
* bennugd latest from svn
********* 08/10/2016
+ cdrkit 1.10
+ fuseiso latest from svn
********* 18/10/2016
* apitrace latest from git (with hacked egltrace.so for gles11 and egl2trace.so for gles2)
********* 13/11/2016
+ gsl 2.2.1
********* 20/11/2016
* gtkmm 2.20.4 recompiled with GCC 6.2
* pango 1.32.4 recompiled with GCC 6.2
* Python 3.4.5
********* 01/12/2016
* SFML2 latest from git
********* 13/12/2016
* 7z 16.02
* dmg2img 1.6.5
********* 17/12/2016
* libpng 1.6.26 (with apng support from LFS)
+ lzip 1.18
* gmp 6.1.2
********* 17/12/2016
* openssl 1.0.2j
* nettle 3.3
* sqlite 3.15.02
+ macutils 2.0b3
* game-music-emu latest from git
* WavPack latest from git
* taglib 1.11.1 (latest from git)
* opus 1.1.3
* fifechan latest from git
* celt 0.11.1
********* 18/12/2016
* poddle 0.50
+ glib-networking 2.42.0
* gnutls 3.5.7
********* 18/12/2016
* libsoup 2.56.0
+ libsecret 0.16
********* 22/12/2016
* mpfr 3.1.5
* mpc 1.0.3
********* 26/12/2016
* xcb-proto 1.12
* libxcb 1.12 (with -mfpu=vfpv3 to avoid bus error)
* glib-networking 2.50, compile again (use GIO_EXTRA_MODULES=/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/lib/gio/modules for the glib module to actually load)
* libfreetype latest from git (compiled with -mfpu=vfpv3 to avoid some bus error)
* libwebkitgtk1 2.4.11 (without sound or video, because they need gstreamer-1.0)
********* 31/12/2016
******** Codeblocks 2.31.15 beta
********* 01/01/2017
* gcc 6.3
* gstreamer 0.10.36 (rebuilt with gcc 6.3)
* allegro
+ libsidplay 1.36.59
+ sidplay, sidcon & sid3wav 1.0.9 (use libsidplay)
* gst-plugins-base 0.10.36 (rebuilt with gcc 6.3)
* gst-plugins-good 0.10.31 (rebuilt with gcc 6.3)
* gst-plugin-bad 0.10.23 (rebuilt with gcc 6.3)
* gst-plugin-ugly 0.10.19 (rebuilt with gcc 6.3)
+ netsurf-buildsystem latest from git
+ libwapcplet latest from git
+ libparserutils latest from git
+ libcss latest from git (from netsurf...)
+ libhubbub latest from git
+ libdom latest from git
+ libnfsb latest from git
+ libnsbmp latest from git
+ libnsgif latest from git
+ librosprite latest from git
+ libsvgtiny latest from git
+ libnsutils latest from git
+ libutf8proc latest from git
+ nsgenbind latest from git
********* 05/01/2017
* libcroco 0.6.11
********* 09/01/2017
+ extract-adf latest from git
+ libADF latest from git (with unadf)
********* 15/01/2017
* libvpx latest from git
********* 05/02/2017
* openal latest from git
* SDL_sound-2.0 latest from hg, just rebuilt
* SDL_image-2.0 latest from hg
* SDL_mixer-2.0 latest from hg
* SDL_net-2.0 latest from hg
* SDL_ttf-2.0 latest from hg
********* 06/02/2017
* SFML rebuilt with tremor instead of vorbisfile
********* 15/02/2017
* openssl 1.0.2k
* zlib 1.2.11
* libpng 1.6.28
* flac 1.3.2
********* 16/02/2017
* harfbuzz 1.4.2
* fftw 3.3.6
* sqlite 3.17.00
* opus 1.1.4
* wavpack 5.10
* libwebp 0.5.2
********* 17/02/2017
* protobuf 3.2.0
* git 2.11.1
* svn latest from svn (1.9.5+)
* yaml-cpp 0.5.3
********* 19/02/2017
* binutils 2.27
********* 25/02/2017
* binutils downgraded gold to 2.25.1
+ libasyncs latest from git
* libtools 2.4.6
* pulseaudio latest from git
********* 26/02/2017
* exiv2 0.25
********* 05/03/2017
+ DirectFB latest from git
********* 11/03/2017
* Qt 5.8 but without WebEngine
* Hack added execvpe to the libarmucontext hack
+ SDL2_gfx latest from svn
********* 18/03/2017
* Qt 5.8 rebuilt
* QtWebKit 5.8
* cmake 3.7.2
* fifechan 0.1.4
********* 22/03/2017
* FFmpeg latest from git
********* 25/03/2017
+ algif 1.3
+ jpegalleg 2.5
+ alpng 1.5
********* 26/03/2017
* poppler 0.52.0
********* 26/03/2017
******** Codeblocks 2.31.15 beta
********* 30/03/2017
* Qt 5.8, rebuilt without xkb-evdev
********* 31/03/2017
* sdl 1.2 rebuilt without directfb
********* 01/04/2017
* Qt 5.8 rebuilt with xkb-evdev
********* 08/04/2017
+ libopenmpt 0.2.7774-beta22
********* 09/04/2017
* Qt XKB Hack in place, with /mnt/utmp/codeblocks/xkbpandora
* SDL_sound rebuilt
********* 10/04/2017
* wildmidi latest from git
********* 22/04/2017
* freetype2 latest from git (with vfpv3)
* harfbuzz latest from git
********* 03/05/2017
******** Codeblocks 2.40.15