
Forum Addict!
Jun 20, 2011
UPDATE: THIS DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE :( The reason is explained in the next post.

STEAM WORKSHOP is the official repository for game MODS on STEAM.
The only way to download those MODS is to own the game on STEAM.

So, if you have a game from another store, like GOG, and, in the worst case, all the MODS are only present on STEAM, you will miss a lot of contents...

There is a site anyway that can download a WORKSHOP LINK for you, even if it doesn't support all the games, and not all the MODS are downloadable outside STEAM (that's a game developer choice).

I made 2 scripts to download MODS from STEAM WORKSHOP, so them can be used with games from others stores, like GOG.

"get_steamworkshop.sh" - Downloads a MOD and its preview image, given the link or the ID.
"get_steamworkshop_links.sh" - Lists all the MOD links found starting from the actual WORKSHOP page, till the last one.

Those 2 can be combined to download ALL the MODS of a game.

This is an example for "Megaquarium" (it has no MOD repository outside of STEAM).

$ ./get_steamworkshop_links.sh "https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=600480&actualsort=mostrecent&browsesort=mostrecent&p=1"
Start Page = 1
Max Page = 9
Min Page = 1
READING PAGE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Total links found = 248
Links saved in: "mod-links.txt"

$ cat mod-links.txt | xargs -n 1 ./get_steamworkshop.sh
REQUESTING ID 2073021544  -> IMAGE  -> UUID  -> STATUS.. -> DOWNLOADING -> DONE ("2073021544_goblin_shark.zip")
REQUESTING ID 2075266329  -> IMAGE  -> UUID  -> STATUS.. -> DOWNLOADING -> DONE ("2075266329_blue_marlin.zip")
REQUESTING ID 2075817924  -> IMAGE  -> UUID  -> STATUS.. -> DOWNLOADING -> DONE ("2075817924_bubble_technology_tank_depth.zip")
REQUESTING ID 2077022258  -> IMAGE

You can find the scripts in this project:
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I forgot about this thread... and the BAD news is that Steam sent a "Cease and Desist" letter to the site... so, "steamworkshopdownloader.io" is no more... :mad:

Now the only way to get MODs from the Workshop is by using their official tool "SteamCMD", that can also connect as an anonymous user... but there's a catch, this way can be accessed only repositories without restrictions...

Megaquarium MODs have no restrictions, so can be downloaded as an anonymous user. There's no need to own the game on Steam to get its MODs.
Starship Troopers: Terran Command MODs instead (as of now), have restrictions, and can be downloaded only using an account that own the game on Steam.

The "get_steamworkshop_links.sh" was updated last year to be able to generate also a script file runnable by SteamCMD.
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