Update Claws Mail


Very Active Member
Jun 1, 2004
Claws Mail


Claws Mail is an email client (and news reader), based on GTK+, featuring quick response, graceful, and sophisticated interface, easy configuration, intuitive operation, Abundant features, Extensibility, Robustness and stability.

- Latest stable version with some extra plugins included.
- Added start screen with Dragonbox competition logo.
- Cosmetic changes.
- Fixed localization support.
- Changed description.
- Removed competition logo.
- Removed repeated libs.
- Latest stable version.
- Fixed path to execute.
- Added gnupg 1.4.13. PGP plugins will work now.
- Added warning message to link /mnt/utmp/claws-mail/bin/gpg to /usr/bin/gpg
- Updated openssl and gnutls to latest version.
- Latest stable release.
- Latest stable release.
- Updated openssl and gnutls and other libs to latest version.
- Compiled Pdf preview plugin, thanks to libpoppler.
- Compiled with support for Fancy HTML plugin, using Webkit-gtk 1.3.1. Newer versions needs updated glib. It took me a while to do it properly, ;)
- Added missing libs for Fancy plugin.
- Added libproxy for Fancy plugin.
- Latest stable release. Needs testing with 1.62RC.
- Updated ssl libs.
- Fancy plugin segfaults, trying to fix.
- Added missing libs, notification and pdf-viewer should work again...
- Latest stable release.
- Updated libs.
- Fixed Fancy plugin.
- Latest stable release.
- Updated libs, sources and previews.
- Fixed pdf viewer support.
- There's a bug preventing Fancy plugin to load remote content, trying to fix.
- Latest stable release. Fancy plugin fixed.
- Updated sources and libs.
- Latest stable release. Updated sources and libs.
- Latest stable release. Updated sources and libs.
- Latest stable release. Updated sources and libs.
- Compiled with latest Codeblocks PND beta.
- Updated libs. It should fix fancy plugin crashing.
- Latest stable release. Updated sources and libs.

Link to homepage:
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Last edited:
Thank you so much for continued support here. This is hands down my favorite email client on the Pandora. It is the perfect balance of being powerful, customizable, and lightweight.
The machine I normally use to check my mail just died, so I setup claws mail on the pandora as a stop-gap measure until I can get it back online. I've set it up to check 2 accounts via IMAP, and I can successfully check either mailbox individually. However the "Get Mail" button seems to do nothing, and even though I've set it to check for new mail every 10 minutes in the Receive section of the preferences, that doesn't seem to work either, and I still have to manually check each individual mailbox to check for new messages.

I'm using the most recent 3.14.1 PND.

Any idea how to fix this?

Ok, the above may have been a case of PEBKAC. :oops:

I initially setup an earlier version of Claws Mail, then when I installed the new one I just copied the config files from the old version. It appears that the account information effectively got corrupted in the process. Although each individual account still worked for some reason as an IMAP account, when went into the Edit Accounts dialogue box they both showed up as "Local Mail". (and mailbox type once setup is unable to be edited)
I backed up and deleted the accountrc file, then restarted Claws Mail, set up my accounts again, and now it seems to be working properly. :)

Using the fancy.so plugin to render HTML messages I get a segfault if I enable the "Enable loading of remote content" option found in Preferences -> Plugins -> Fancy and then try to load a message containing remote images.

PND             : /media/PND-DATA/pandora/menu/claws-mail.pnd
PND_FSTYPE      : Squashfs
APPDATADIR      : /media/PND-DATA/pandora/appdata/claws-mail
APPDD_FSTYPE    : vfat
PND_CPUSPEED    : <unset>
EXENAME         : start.sh
ARGUMENTS       : <unset>
[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------
Mounting : mount -t squashfs -o ro "/dev/loop1" "/mnt/utmp/claws-mail"
Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/PND-DATA/pandora/appdata/claws-mail=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/claws-mail=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/claws-mail"
[SUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Starting the application ( start.sh  ) ----------
/mnt/utmp/claws-mail/home/.claws-mail/folderlist.xml.tmp: chmod: Operation not permitted

(claws-mail:5351): Claws-Mail-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.

** (claws-mail:5351): WARNING **: [08:25:22] IMAP error on pop.ihug.com.au: LOGIN error

/mnt/utmp/claws-mail/home/.claws-mail/folderlist.xml.tmp: chmod: Operation not permitted

** (claws-mail:5351): WARNING **: [08:25:36] IMAP error on imap.gmail.com: LOGIN error

/mnt/utmp/claws-mail/home/.claws-mail/folderlist.xml.tmp: chmod: Operation not permitted

(claws-mail:5351): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_set_valist: object class 'WebKitWebSettings' has no property named 'enable-dns-prefetching'

(claws-mail:5351): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_set_valist: object class 'WebKitWebSettings' has no property named 'enable-dns-prefetching'
Segmentation fault
[ FAILED]--- Starting the application ( start.sh  ) ----------
[ START ]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Restoring the frame buffer status ----------
[ START ]--- uMount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------
rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/claws-mail': Device or resource busy
[ START ]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
[SUCCESS]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------
cleanup done
[SUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------

Using the fancy.so plugin to render HTML messages I get a segfault if I enable the "Enable loading of remote content" option found in Preferences -> Plugins -> Fancy and then try to load a message containing remote images.

That bug seems to be related to webkitgtk that needs to be recompiled with new libraries.
- Compiled with latest Codeblocks PND beta.
- Updated libs. It should fix fancy plugin crashing.
Cheers! It no longer crashes when trying to load remote images. :) (mind you it doesn't always succeed in loading them either, but not crashing is a huge improvement. :))

Many thanks.
