Classic Pandora Charging Issues...


Apr 12, 2010

Just got a new "classic" pandora , but i got some serious charging issues ..

I put the pandora in standby mode to charge but the percentage keeps falling , it is now at 19 % .... what am i doing wrong here...??

Does the red charging light comes on when you connect the charger? Can you charge via usbport?

Where did you get this unit from?
I got this unit directly from Craigix .

He told me that i could only charge this unit through USB.

But it does not work , the red light never comes on....
Sometimes the percentage battery reading is false, happens with batteries sometimes.

Usb has a much slower charging rate than regular chargers.

Come to think of it i think if the battery is heavily depleted then the usb cable does not have enough juice to kickstart it again, whereas a charger might. i think i encountered this problem when my charger broke on my original cc unit, if i remember correctly.

Try leaving it connected to usb for several hours and it might eventually start to charge.
Try different USB cables, and different sockets. That is very wrong and you do not want to leave it too long. If it hits 0% it will shut down and you may not be able to power it up again because the USB cannot trickle charge the battery back to safe operation. It is imperative that we solve this ASAP!

Are you trying to USB charge from a PC or do you have a wall adapter? Do you have any mini-USB phone chargers your could try?
Which of the USB Ports on your OpenPandora are you trying to charge from, Maus? If you are trying to charge via the bigger USB port then that won`t work as that standard-A sized USB port is not connected to the Pandora`s charging circuit. You must use the smaller mini AB USB "On The Go" port ( located between your R Trigger button and the TV Out port ) with a compatible mini USB cable. The "On The Go" USB port is connected to the Pandora`s charge circuit.

Please tell us what USB cable you are trying to charge it with. Did your Pandora come with any sort of USB cable? Do you have any other retail mini USB cables in your home that you can switch around with? Are you connecting the Pandora + Mini cable to a fully functional USB port? Are there other USB ports you could connect to - like one on a game console for instance?

Also some PCs can only output 100mA at the most and will disable themselves if they draw more current than that, try a different computer or different ports or try an AC to USB 5V adapter with at least a 500mA current limit or more would be preferred. 

Sorry for the late reply , different time zone :P

I am using a Mini-USB cable that goes in the pandora and a normal USB goes in my Macbook , i only have a Macbook.

I bought this unit from Craigix for a reduced price because it was faulty , i cannot charge with a wall-adapter , only through USB , he told is was working fine but i can't get it charged.. :(

Am i using the right cable? , mini USB to normal USB? :/

And no , there was no cable with it when the pandora arrived here , so i had to use another cable of my own , it is my PS3 mini-USB charging cable , it works fine for my controllers and even my phone.

Still no red light..
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If possible, since you have a PS3, could you try attaching your Pandora to your PS3`s USB to see if there is any improvement? By any chance, do you have any spare mini USB cables you could try? If you have a friend/neighbour you can trust, and they have a desktop PC, ask them if you can just connect your Pandora to their PC`s USB port to see if the charging improves or not.

Okay , connected my pandora to my PS3 , my pandora turned on so just like on my mac , then i put it in standby mode but still no red light , so is it charging or not?

Are you using suspend mode (powerswitch in default setting) or low-power mode?

Charging doesn't work in suspend mode. When you connect a charger, it automatically comes out of suspend as well - I'm not sure the behaviour is the same when using an USB cable.

I suggest to just close the lid. The Pandora is really powersaving, so that wouldn't be a problem.
Hi Evildragon

I am using low-power mode , so when i close the lid it goes into that low-power mode , so according to you it must charge in that mode? , because i still got no red light and the % keeps falling...

I tried suspend mode but that is also not working like you said. :(
Do you have any other wallplug that you can try? Like from an ipad or smartphone with at least 1A?

The ports on ps3 and Mac might not have enough umph to get it to charge correctly, as they only supply a maximum of 500mA.
And be sure to leave it on the charger for some time and see if the percentage goes up. Sometimes the light doesn't come on for me, too but it still charges.
Okay , just checked the pandora after almost 1 hour on the iPad charger , but it still isn't working , it is even worse now , down to 12 % ... :( :(
Same cable?

Does it start to charge if you push the connector on the pandora gently up or down?
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Hi, I have a similar issue to you - I can't really use the AC charger as the pins are loose on my Pandora and so it mostly doesn't charge (the red light doesn't come on).  Why can't you use an AC charger - do you have some hardware fault, or haven't you got an official AC charger?

Anyways, because of the above I am forced to charge via mini usb as well.  I have quite a few different mini usb cables and a few usb -> wall chargers.  What I did was examine each of the usb->ac chargers to see which output the biggest amps - the 5 chargers I had varied from 850mah to 2amps.  Obviously I picked the 2amp one (which is an official Nexus 7 one).  I am now going to do some tests on the 3 mini usb->usb cables I have to see which one is best - using this combination I hope to charge via the mini-usb as fast as I can.  However, not matter which combination I try I always get the red light on - so maybe you have a hardware issue (or your cables are knackered) - when you open the unit (and you're in the full gui) do you see a little white or yellow line beside the charging %.  If it is white - it is charging, if it is yellow - it is not.  Also, you can hover over this and it will tell if it is charging
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Hi Kaiser

I cant use the AC Adapter because i have a faulty unit...

I tried 2 different mini USB cables but with the same effect. , and no red light..

Also , i dont see any white or yellow line ..
There's a tiny vertical line next to the charging % on the full gui.  If it's white it is charging, if it is yellow it isn't - as your unit is dropping percentage - I'm assuming it is yellow. You'll also have a number below this showing how much estimated time you have left - I think if it is 00:00 - then this is inifinite, because the unit is charging

Sounds like your unit isn't charging :-(  But then how did Craig charge it initially - you could try re-seating the battery?
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