Chromium Installation Guide


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2003
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It works like that? Awesome.

Chromium should blow Midori & Arore away; and I don't really need that finger friendliness of Fennec, so this will be perfect for me.
mali said:
How does it perform compared to the other browsers?

I've not used it long enough to say for sure but so far it's far more stable than Midori. The tabs work well for touchscreen navigation, and its download manager shows the download speed, unlike Midori.

I've made it my default browser.
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The OP team has expressed intentions to switch to chromium for the default browser. So, no 'tweak' will be needed if things change the way they probably will.
from my limited exerience, its way faster and very responsive

edit had a burst at 1.4megabyte/s, then it shrank to about 260kb/s :/
huh, cant see a chrome dir in usr/bin...
maybe it's still downloading... seems to be taking a while...

terminal has been displaying this for 10 mins or more

picomammoth:~$ sudo opkg install chromium
Installing chromium (0.1+svnr34027-r1.5) to root...

this is normal?
Wouldn't the executable itself be /usr/bin/chrome or /usr/bin/chromium?
You could also then just type chrome or chromium in the terminal. Or "which chrome" or "which chromium" to find the full path.
it works ok but too minimal for me,i wonder if i can get firefox working with same method as i had tried before and it didnt appear in the list.

any chance of getting html5 youtube with chrome and or a plugin for youtube on firefox.
lulzfish said:
Wouldn't the executable itself be /usr/bin/chrome or /usr/bin/chromium?
You could also then just type chrome or chromium in the terminal. Or "which chrome" or "which chromium" to find the full path.

well for some reason its in /usr/bin/chrome/ executable is chrome, so full path: /usr/bin/chrome/chrome (this will start it from terminal, or if you modify the internet shortcut)
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paddy said:
it works ok but too minimal for me,i wonder if i can get firefox working with same method as i had tried before and it didnt appear in the list.

any chance of getting html5 youtube with chrome and or a plugin for youtube on firefox.

Firefox is incredibly easy to install. Just download the package from the repo, and in the directory on your pandora type 'sudo opkg install firefoxBLAHBLAH'

It has no dependencies, and it runs really nicely. Ed says it takes ages to load, but it doesn't!

Make a PND of Firefox please Ed? And thanks for Chromium. Wooo!
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hi ,i had tried firefox before and it didn't work but now it works perfectly ,this is my new fav browser ! need youtube on this for sure ,and yes please Ed make a firefox pnd +200 !