Carlos FL
I thought I would write it here, in case someone else gets frustrated as I did and looks for a hints on what's going on.
I started downloading my first programs for my new OpenPandora from, using Chromium on my Linux PC. I saved them into folders pandora/apps, pandora/menu, etc, as instructed in the Wiki User Manual, using the name that Chromium suggested. After a while I noticed that all files where being saved with the extension .bin, instead of .pnd that is mentioned in the manual and everywhere. I got puzzled and looked for a hint, if I should unpack the .bin files or something else and found nothing, no reference to .bin's at all. I got suspicious and then I opened the Repository with Firefox and confirmed that the files all had .pnd extension originally. Chromium must have decided that the extension .pnd was not good and "helpfully" decided to change it without any warning. I also cannot find any setting that controls this behaviour either.
Fortunately my frustration did not last long. I renamed all files and the programs worked flawlessly in my Pandy. I'm overjoyed.
I started downloading my first programs for my new OpenPandora from, using Chromium on my Linux PC. I saved them into folders pandora/apps, pandora/menu, etc, as instructed in the Wiki User Manual, using the name that Chromium suggested. After a while I noticed that all files where being saved with the extension .bin, instead of .pnd that is mentioned in the manual and everywhere. I got puzzled and looked for a hint, if I should unpack the .bin files or something else and found nothing, no reference to .bin's at all. I got suspicious and then I opened the Repository with Firefox and confirmed that the files all had .pnd extension originally. Chromium must have decided that the extension .pnd was not good and "helpfully" decided to change it without any warning. I also cannot find any setting that controls this behaviour either.
Fortunately my frustration did not last long. I renamed all files and the programs worked flawlessly in my Pandy. I'm overjoyed.