im having some issues with one of my drives since "updating" to ubuntu 11.04, it simply refuses to be mountable for whatever reason, after trying a bunch of random crap, i wonna try something like chkdsk in windows since ntfs is windows native and has fixed some ntsf issues before for me, but i dont want to install windows again on this thing, and it a internal hdd. so im trying to figure out if theres maybe some linux alternative that might fix ntfs filesystem or if theres anything like a windows livecd, ive tried Hiren's boot cd, but ive no idea where to go from there, device manager and couple hdd apps see the drive, but windows refuses to give it a drive letter, so i dont know how to go about doing chkdsk w/o a drive letter, and doesnt show up in My Computer. the problem occurred when i was, as said, updating from 10.04 to 11.04 over Update Manager, and it somehow froze at the 95+% point and i had to power cycle, and at which point neither ubuntu would boot, so i liveusb's into 11.04 and installed fresh. so anyone have any bright ideas i could do before i have to install windows just to try my initial idea?