Hmm... Whilst on the topic of Linux distros, can anyone recommend me one?
I got ubuntu, after quite a lot of research and looking at different things, and it's a pretty nice distro as far as I'm concerned (installed first time nice and easy, most hardware was automatically set up. I had to modify a couple of configuration files to get my mouse working and stuff, but aside from that no worries). problem is that it uses GNOME, which is, as far as I can tell, not particularly light in terms of the resources it needs. I'm running it on an old computer that chugged along back when it ran Win95, and, well, it's painful... slow to respond to all input, and just plain sluggish.
So, what I'm looking for is a lightweight desktop installation. I already have Feather Linux, booting from a USB pen, and that might be a good option (I'd have to burn the newest CD image to CD-R instead though- no USB pen- and run the HD install script). It uses Fluxbox by default... but I don't get it- is fluxbox a WM(window manager) or a Desktop environment or is it both? Also, is the environment of Feather Linux as a whole likely to be very much lighter and faster than that of Ubuntu (GNOME environment)?
The specs of my computer are like this:
Cyrix M-II 300 processor (a 300MHz processor)
CD-ROM drive and floppy drive, both working
I think that's all the really relevant specs... I have no idea what the motherboard is, which is a shame. I've run several diagnostics on it, come back with a massive string identifying it as some obscure old AMI board, can't find any really specific info on it...
Anyway, I did my research beforehand (as much as I could stomach anyway) into hardware, and it seems my machine is pretty (if not totally) Linux friendly, except perhaps the modem, but I won't be using that anyway. Ubuntu works fine, like I say.
So, any recommendations for this? I would like a desktop/WM environment of some sort, because whilst I do appreciate the command line as a useful and powerful tool, I just don't want to always use it, and since I would like to use it mostly for word processing and other menial tasks (though mainly as something to play with, to learn more about Linux and computers in general) and whilst I'm aware there are plenty of good text editors available for console mode (like nano and less), I do prefer to use stuff like OOo (yeah, OK, that's also a bit too heavy for my box to run smoothly, but there are lighter ones around I'm sure) and other graphical programs.
Any help with this would be appreciated