China To Close 2,000 Factories In Energy Crackdown


Active Member
Jun 27, 2010
Milwaukee, WI, USA
hate to start another production halt scare, but I think it's fair that we know about this as a community... scare or no scare. China is shutting down 2000 factories for an unknown ammount of time to cut back on internal energy consumption and rebuild them more efficiently (at least that was my interpretation of the article)... I'm wondering if our contracted factory will be hit with this... I'd hope and appreciate ED, Craig, Gruso or anybody else dropping a line after researching this to let us know if this will affect us. Again, sorry for the scare if I started one... but I'm not one to hold back information when it affects large numbers of people.

I'd make a horrible textbook government agent :P
Custom Processing Unlimite said:
hate to start another production halt scare, but I think it's fair that we know about this as a community... scare or no scare. China is shutting down 2000 factories for an unknown ammount of time to cut back on internal energy consumption and rebuild them more efficiently (at least that was my interpretation of the article)... I'm wondering if our contracted factory will be hit with this... I'd hope and appreciate ED, Craig, Gruso or anybody else dropping a line after researching this to let us know if this will affect us. Again, sorry for the scare if I started one... but I'm not one to hold back information when it affects large numbers of people.

I'd make a horrible textbook government agent :P

2000? That's like a tiny drop in the ocean. I'm sure China has literally millions of factories.

Edit: Perhaps not millions.
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Custom Processing Unlimite said:
hate to start another production halt scare, but I think it's fair that we know about this as a community... scare or no scare. China is shutting down 2000 factories for an unknown ammount of time to cut back on internal energy consumption and rebuild them more efficiently (at least that was my interpretation of the article)... I'm wondering if our contracted factory will be hit with this... I'd hope and appreciate ED, Craig, Gruso or anybody else dropping a line after researching this to let us know if this will affect us. Again, sorry for the scare if I started one... but I'm not one to hold back information when it affects large numbers of people.

I'd make a horrible textbook government agent :P

you're interpretation of an article you dont even quote and you "hate to start another production halt scare"?

besides as yer man above me points out 2000 factories is nothing, i could count that many premises that are counted as factories within 20 miles radius of where i live and it's been decimated within the past 20 years.
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But the past teached us, whatever bad happend in the World, it was also Pandora releated. ;)
The Team really should had choosen another Name for the Handheld I guess. :D
fusion_power said:
But the past teached us, whatever bad happend in the World, it was also Pandora releated. ;)
The Team really should had choosen another Name for the Handheld I guess. :D
Apocalypse, perhaps?
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After the last 3000 are made Craig was talking of moving case manufacturing closer to home. Is this still the plan? If so, then after the last 3000, no one would care. However if OP is happy with them now, then even if it's a possibility, there's really nothing that can be done aside from finding another factory. So, until one has too, why worry.
Ok, I didn't even buy that last sentence, with project and the community's interest in it continuing on with success, any future problem will make one worry, a little anyway.

Fingers crossed and hopefully forgotten...

Edit: yeah, if the Nes on a chip clone has genuine Pandora copy controls, that alone might make it worthy of a purchase. Craig could sell them as Panda Jr's.
my mistake for not linking to the article on slashdot... thought I did and forgot to do so. Wasn't quite sure of all the parts done in China, so I was compelled to voice it (just in case) vs being silent about it. If I'd been silent and it WAS relevant, someone else would have spoken up (maybe as late as during the aftermath of the delay, but still). No offense or trolling was intended. I spoke on what I found (uninformed or not) as I saw immediate relevance (if only loosely) to the Pandora. No harm, no foul... just acted on what I saw. Even thinking about just the moulding, I'm not sure how energy intense that process is (which is what I thought about as I was starting this thread)...

Rather cry wolf and piss off the neighbors than be silently eaten by one. :P (not like I cry wolf often, so I'd expect a response :D)