Checkers Gp2x Released


Active Member
Mar 29, 2006
I aka Joyrider / Willems Soft released a new game for the gp2x and this time it's a checkers board game.
you probably all know checkers or draughts as it sometimes called. It's a bord game where u have to try to capture all the pieces of the opponent by jumping over them in a diagonal direction. This is my version of it that uses the official rules with a cpu player. It's the first time i tried to create a computer ai but i believe i succeeded pretty well since i find him quite hard to win from. I've included 4 difficulty options and an option to enable or disable the jump heuristic. The last option let the cpu player behave a little bit diffrent so u basicly have 8 cpu players to play against.



You can find more information and a download Here until the archive gets updated!
subcon959 posted on Oct 28 2006 at 03:06 PM said:
Another nice game, good stuff joyrider.

I noticed there was no icon so feel free to use this one if you like:


oh yes damn i forgot an icon sorry about that., thanks i'll update the zip file and credits file with ure name in it.
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HauJobb posted on Oct 28 2006 at 03:33 PM said:
Nice Work Joyrider,
amazing game :D

btw I have uploaded Checkers to the Filearchive (without icon).,0,0,0,25,1884

ah thanks for that for some reason it would not upload with me, i'll see that i can update it with the version with an icon. and add the information. thanks again

ah updating worked thanks :)
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Look forward to playing.

After reading the page on the link about the harder levels taking time to think it reminded me about a chess game on the c16 where (if memory serves correct) the way to choose the difficulty was by saying how long the cpu gets to think abouts its turn.

Also with that game, when you hit return it hurried the cpu if it was taking too long.
This game is great, I played 8 games on hard mode and didn't win a single one. It will definitely have a permanent spot on my sd. The only thing i would suggest however, is that you make the computer player take 2 to 3 seconds to make its move. Theres something about them moving instantaneously I don't like. Especially because its not like chess where they have to move a long distance so I sometimes miss the computers move. Also it would be nice if after taking the 2 to 3 seconds before moving it moved slowly, though i doubt that would be possible because I'm pretty sure you don't have animations and the piece just dissapears then appears somewhere else. maybe after the move it could highlight the pieces new position for a second or so.
Jackd posted on Oct 30 2006 at 03:16 PM said:
This game is great, I played 8 games on hard mode and didn't win a single one. It will definitely have a permanent spot on my sd. The only thing i would suggest however, is that you make the computer player take 2 to 3 seconds to make its move. Theres something about them moving instantaneously I don't like. Especially because its not like chess where they have to move a long distance so I sometimes miss the computers move. Also it would be nice if after taking the 2 to 3 seconds before moving it moved slowly, though i doubt that would be possible because I'm pretty sure you don't have animations and the piece just dissapears then appears somewhere else. maybe after the move it could highlight the pieces new position for a second or so.

Or have the piece that is about to move flash a few times, then move and then flash a few times in the new position.
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thanks for the nice comments :)

anyway i've gotten a few suggestions already :

add a human vs human player mode. I think this might be possible have to look into it and probably have to change the menu's accordingly will have to recreate all of the menu item images for it then.

add an option to save the gamestate : basicly this means you could start a game on the bus or sumthing but u gotta leave the bus in the middle of a game then u could be able to save the game and start again from the same point later. This might be possible as well i don't think it's that hard to incorporate but again menus will have to be redone

The cpu player actually waits already 250 ms before he makes a move this might be to low perhaps, but the suggestion of flashing or highlighting the computers piece before & after a move seems a better idea. i'm not sure if it's possible doh might have to redo some parts then but i can look into it. Animations however are not possible in the way i created the game i never intended it to have animations and icorporating it means i'd have to redo a whole part of the game system. I knew about the "problem" that it's not always clear what move the cpu made that's why i added a move history on the right. but i understand it's easier to see it highlighted.

I'll look into it and see what can be done.
Very good game. The control method is easy to use and it has that "one more go" appeal to it.

CPU on very hard sacrifices pieces too much, which makes it predictable and easy to beat. Although the hard mode doesn't do this as much so it is actually harder to beat. (Alot harder).

I haven't tried the easier levels, I will try them later to see how they play.

How about a cpu vs human mode (cpu moves first).

Well done though, it's a nice fun game that only takes up a very small amount of space on my card. It'll always have a place on my card anyway.