It doesn't really look much smaller than lots of other competing models; some are smaller too.. and you still need to plug it into the wall. I think something tiny like a dongle to hang off the EXT port that just went straight to 1 USB port and an AC port glued/taped to it is really the most compact solution, if not a bit of a do-it-yourselfer one ... rather than hanging a brick off your machine.
Worked for me. It's a link to a forum post with a link to the actual item. A bit roundabout But suffice to say it's just a fairly standard, about palm-sized hub.
I hate to rain on the parade, but a 2.4 GHz transmitter like that in 802.11x USB sticks, of any appreciable range, will probably tear through even 4 800mAh AAs pretty quickly.
I hate to rain on the parade, but a 2.4 GHz transmitter like that in 802.11x USB sticks, of any appreciable range, will probably tear through even 4 800mAh AAs pretty quickly.
Maybe, but the ones I have seen burst at 450mAh on transmit and about 150mAh on recieve, since we aren't broadcasting full-time and we are recieving data to be viewed it shouldn't be terrible, I could move up to AA batteries for it anyway , as long as they did the hard work of designing a circuit.
The sticks using the chipset with the drivers available, I forget the name at the moment, that is where I got those specs.
That's some pretty enormous power consumption regardless. Maybe if the xmit power could be knocked down a few pegs ... USB sticks usually have decent transmitters that go quite far. The DS gets away with WiFi that does not impact battery life much, by sacrificing range..