GP32 Chatboard Test Code


Still Fresh
does any one wrote their own Chatboard programs using Mr Spiv's drivers ?

Specially using DevKitAdvance..

If so can you please mail the entire project to me ? That will help me a lot in understanding how to use it.

Thanks & regards
I guess I just need the correct makefile under Windows. At first I got errors for the // comments. I changed the compiler to g++ instead of gcc. That fixed that problem.

Now I get error compile kbdrv.c, it says it has error at line 194 (The assembler code). Do I need some switch to compile inine assembly ?

Thanks for the help in advance


Here is my Makefile

# devkitadv base dir
export CCBASE=c:/devkitadv
# User options passed to the compiler
include $(CCBASE)/

SRCS = main.c kbdio.c kbdrv.c
EXE = Test
OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o) 

all: $(EXE).gxb

$(EXE).gxb: $(EXE).elf

$(EXE).elf:  $(OBJS) 

main.o: main.c

$(OBJS) : $(SRCS)

	rm -f $(OBJS) $(EXE).elf $(EXE).gxb main.o
One more update,
I guess I had -ansi in the compiler directives hence, it was not compiling the // comments.

I removed it and there are no problems with the // comments. The compiler is not gcc (not g++)

I still get errors at installIRQ and releaseIRQ functions,

parse error before token [

can some one please help ?


I guess no one wants to help me here :( . I even tried to compile under minigp32 setup , I get the same error

This is what I get in the error window
C:\minigp32\here your projects\kbdtest>make
gcc -I /minigp32/include/gpinclude -c -o kbdrv.o kbdrv.c
kbdrv.c: In function `installIRQ':
kbdrv.c:194: parse error before '[' token
kbdrv.c: In function `removeIRQ':
kbdrv.c:209: parse error before '[' token
kbdrv.c: In function `resolveKeyMapping':
kbdrv.c:564: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
kbdrv.c:566: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
make: *** [kbdrv.o] Error 1

C:\minigp32\here your projects\kbdtest>
I would suggest upgrading your gcc tool chain.. It is just inline asm syntax problems..
Try like this:

void installIRQ( int num, void (*irq)(void) ) {
asm volatile(""
"stmdb sp!,{lr} \n"
"mov r0,%0 \n"
"mov r1,%1 \n"
"swi #0x09 \n"
"ldmia sp!,{lr}"
: "r"(num), "r"(irq)
: "r0","r1");
that fixed the problem with installIRQ.
BTW I stink at inline asm,

how do I upgrade my gcc toolchain ? is there a guide to do so (with devkitadv) ?

Kindly let me know, also, can you please paste the code to fix releaseIRQ function also ?

thanks in advance