Chatboard Cable Length


Apr 20, 2003
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Well its June and ive started putting these chatboards together, im going to have around 70 when im done and i think ill sell them through ebay, anyway to the point, ive been experimenting with cable lengths between the chatboard and the gp32 and to be honest im not sure what length to make it, at the moment im going with fairly short as it is fairly easy to use in your lap and also cheaper as less cable is required :P but i can see how it may be easier to position the gp32 with a longer cable.

Anyway heres a pic of two lengths, tell me whether you would prefer the longer shorter or somewhere in between.


Shorter. The longer one stops it from being portable IMO.

Oh, and sell them for less than GBP 19.95. Or I will buy from neligbrown (sp?) instead ;)
well as i said way back in February when i initally started upon this idea around £10.00 GBP that may or may not include postage i am not sure at this point. for any of you who remember all this back in feb i had to give up on it for a while due to my highers but there all done now so i can turn my attention back to this :P

also as im only making 70 would people be interested in buying connectors on thier own and possibly chatboards after ive finished all this?
I've got this REALLY long wire, but I have wire that coils, adding some seriously flexibility. I mean, my wire is more then two feet long, but it's really comfortable, because I can hold it in my lap, and I can even put the GP32 on a table, then stand up, and hold the chatboard in my hands. (Not that I do that often, but still). If you have wire that coils, make it long, if it doesn't coil, keep it short. (I also have the advantage that my wires comes out at the bottom of the chatboard, not the top, so it comes out at the SPACE bar instead of the SMS key. Which is actually quite handy).
its been a long time since the whole reservations thing and to be honest i think it will be a lot easier to just sell them off on ebay so i think i shall declare the old reservations redundant, sorry, i know you had your name down from the beginning dozer :unsure:

also the wire is pretty darn flexible, its just standard 4 core data cable, although may i ask tristan why you have the wires coming out of the keys?, mine come out where the original connector was and the port is blanked off, il stick up a pic in a sec. :unsure:

that long? aww shit
I have to leave the scene for 3 months on the 13th for a on the site job
sry guys, but will this be done by then

o ya , wire length is a no concern if wire is flexable
short would be nice tho

they may well be done before you leave but im really not sure, id say two weeks is the longest it will take me to get them done(im really just giving myself a big buffer)

but if there not done i am thinking seriously about selling ext connectors and possibly chatboards for everyone out there with a soldering iron as the connectors are damned hard to get a hold of, i could probably sell them for about £3-4 but that is by no means a promise :P
Well I dont Know....I saw a guy that MADE these on his website. I was just wondering if you actually designed them yourself or just bought them off of his website and just put them together. If you did design them your insane considering your 16. If your just puttingthem together your still 20x the gp32rrr I are.
Maybe you could figure out a way to make them so the keyboard hinges at the bottom of the GP32, similiar to how a GBAsp opens and closes. I know you couldn't close it all the way, but it would be like when you put your PDA on one of those portable keyboards. Know what I mean?
Maybe you could figure out a way to make them so the keyboard hinges at the bottom of the GP32, similiar to how a GBAsp opens and closes. I know you couldn't close it all the way, but it would be like when you put your PDA on one of those portable keyboards. Know what I mean?
that would be the ideal, but i figure it's the next generation of gp32 chatboards...


send me a pm with the price and your address and i'll cheque ya :P
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Would you be able to prop the GP32 up at an angle against something and play with the short one? That's how I plan to play if/when I buy one.
My wire comes out the top like all of 'm do, it's just that I traced along the back of the chatboard, so it comes out at the top, makes a 180 degree turn, and comes out at the spacebar. This helps, because I can hold the chatboard wherever I want, without the wire blocking my sight. Because I like to hold it really close to the GP32 screen... (I can then see both my chatboard, and the screen