Free chatboards for devs


Apr 20, 2003
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Hi, as most of you probably know im goin to be making modded chatboards, ive had suggestions that some would be willing to donate money to pay for free chaboards for developers in an effort to get chatboards integrated into programs, so basically what i am asking is

do you think donations for free chatboards is a good idea?


Which dev would you most like to see a free chatboard to go to?

if the idea is popular i will put a donations button up on my site and the most popular devs will get a free chatboard according to this thread if enough money is donated. :)
I think it's a good idea, I'd donate a little. Defenately send one to Skeezix because it would be great to have chatboard support in castaway.
definately a great idea:

skeezix (castaway)
les dawson (frodo)
djwillis (gpscumm)
rlyeh (various quality emus)

and there's sure to be more that I've not mentioned ;)

I'm all up for donating
no fear for skeezix, im sorting jeff out

someone sort les dawson (frodo) out please
Sounds like a good idea - count me in. I'll be up for donating a few quid :)

Maybe for Speccyal (_tyrell_) or Sarien authors?
maybe we can get a printer to attach to the usb thing at the top ;)
get one to whoever develops wind-ups and the text editor that goes with it

also you should sell some at a donation price, like if I want to buy one, I'll pay for it and pay a little extra to donate

say (gross estimate)
price of chatboard $5
donation taked on $3
total $8 + s/h

make sense?
Good Idea.
I would be happy to add some extra £ to the pool.
If no programs are writen to make use of it then ermm... whats the point.
count me in, i'm happy to pay for one to be sent to a coder

mark watson for the atari 800 emulator would be good, seeing as most people are keen on frodo/castaway/scumm - think those guys are covered ?

btw if u havent checked the atari 800 emu out - have a look. the machine was 'arguably' as good as the c=64 and this port so far has 100% compatibility - this means archon and stuff which doesnt seem to work on frodo :(

sarien - yes, sarien *needs* this !