Character Selection Screen?

that would be cool (especially for a game like diablo) because you would be able to chose between a fighter a druid a knight.....I hope that will be possible (and I dont think it will be too hard to add to the actual engine)

see you :lol:
Would it be possible to have an open screen on any final rpg and have a character selection screen for the player? So (say it was a mario rpg) they could choose between mario, luigi, yoshi etc.

Just an idea?
Hiya, once i add the functionality to hotspot to change an entitys settings - you can just make a little map, put one of each character on it, and under each character put a hotspot which then sets playable character sprite to match the entity who is standing above it, if that makes sense.

so the player would just walk around, find the one they want, and then walk upto them and press A, you could then make the hotspot teleport them to the map where the game begins too.
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Would it be possible to have an open screen on any final rpg and have a character selection screen for the player? So (say it was a mario rpg) they could choose between mario, luigi, yoshi etc.

Just an idea?
Hiya, once i add the functionality to hotspot to change an entitys settings - you can just make a little map, put one of each character on it, and under each character put a hotspot which then sets playable character sprite to match the entity who is standing above it, if that makes sense.

so the player would just walk around, find the one they want, and then walk upto them and press A, you could then make the hotspot teleport them to the map where the game begins too.
that reminds me of Warcraft III bnet rpg's :) pretty neat
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heh, im addicted to Warcraft III - have been since release, add me to your buddy list if you want, my username is Pirotic.
For the charecter selection screen, you could have the current char as a pointer.

haha. im a warcraft III fanatic. finished it on hard mode. and the expansion. username is Deleted User
I'm not very good at warcraft :P still finishing the frozen throne in single player. And my internet connection is totally fucked up (too much ppl using so very low bandwith), so I can only play online once in 3 months :/ and since one game in 3 months doesn't allow you to get any decent in the regular game, I usually play RPG's/aeons with my friends :)