My Suggestions And Questions....

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To start off, GIGAS RULES! gp32_console

- Suggestions

1. How about 3 files for saving seperate rpgs?

2. When you use the map selection thingymabob. would it be possible to select the mps using l and r, and you can scroll round the map with the D-pad...

3. Could you cange it so b copies tiles?

4. When you die, have a selection on the menu called reset or something that restarts the game...

5. Dont assign menu to B

6. mmmmm.... cant think

So Far i've been really Harsh, cos i love this engine, its far,far better then RPG maker and their code...

I love the way you deal with everything in a way that makes sence. Even if i could code, i wouldnt think of a good way to do all these things!

- Questions

1. For the sprites, can you just copy and paste the grid to expand it?

2. When theres a square with nothing on it and when you are making things solid, on Editor mode, what do those numbers mean?

3. When i create a "plant" they automatically are animated, how do i make my own tiles like that?

4. The GfX_attackset has no grid on it... Should there be?

The link for Mappy is Dead. could someone send it to me please?
I have a few suggestions too, I hope you don't mind :)

- variables support
- interaction, I mean pieces of "storyline" like in the old final fantasies, where people actually move in patterns :P (wouldn't know how to do that right now)
- well, actually, basically a lot of thingies to enable some sweet storytelling, as I want to make an rpg of my manuscript and I plan to put lots of work in that :)

but! don't forget! gigas engine is lovely :)

in response to your suggestions :-

1.) already planned for the next version, each game will sit in its own subfolder in the gigas folder, and then the 'gigas browser' at the start will just show you all the subfolders (which will normally relate to the name of the game) where you select it

2.) good idea, but L and R are going to jump 10 maps ahead/back so when you have tons of makes you can easily jump to the right one without having to press right tons, you can just press B, scroll about, then press start and A again if its the wrong map, but i'll look into making it easier, maybe have it so it automatically scrolls about the map while ur selecting them.

3.) B used to be copy actually, but i found myself using delete far more than i used copy.. maybe i should set it up so when u pick an option in SELECT, it assigns B to that option.. but that may make things even more difficult, i'll experiment.

5.) ;) agreed, its annoying - i'll remove it for the next version, B will be for talking

now for the questions:

1.) you can't make the image files any bigger at the moment im afraid, i'll make them all larger in the next release tho - was just saving ram, but i think its fair to say i can double everythingy.

2.) 0 means the tile on the "layer 0" is solid, and 1 means the tile on "layer 1" is set to solid, its a little weird - but i need it to display both as sometimes the tile on layer 0 AND the tile on layer 1 will both be solid, if so it'll look like 0/1.. hope that makes sense

3.) the animation editor will be in the next release, for now you cannot animate anything unless you place the graphics over the animations i created for the demo.. just plonk the first frame down for now and when the next version is out you can set up the animation and it'll work without any hassle.

4.) the grid isnt used by Gigas, infact once you've placed sprites correctly you must make the background pure black for it to be "transparent" - the purpose for the grid is to help people see where each sprite goes, sadly i didnt have time to draw the grid on the entitys :P so yes, there was ment to be a grid :)

thanks alot for all your suggestions, everything goes down on my todo list :)
Q-Wi-Q posted on Apr 30 2004 at 05:33 PM said:
I have a few suggestions too, I hope you don't mind :)

- variables support
- interaction, I mean pieces of "storyline" like in the old final fantasies, where people actually move in patterns :P (wouldn't know how to do that right now)
- well, actually, basically a lot of thingies to enable some sweet storytelling, as I want to make an rpg of my manuscript and I plan to put lots of work in that :)

but! don't forget! gigas engine is lovely :)
Hiya, thanks for your suggestions.

1.) Variables - variables will exist in the next version, seeing as i dont support scripting i'm basically creating something called "triggers" you give each trigger a name so you can recall what it does, then whenever an action is trigger (a hotspot etc) you have the option of setting a variable to a certain value.

conversation can also take the triggers into account, so key points in the game would be marked by setting a trigger, and then when talking it can be a bit like:-

by default say "dont kill the shop keeper" but if <killed_shopkeeper variable = true> then say "you killed the shop keeper, you bastard"

etc :P

2.) Interaction - cutscenes are on the todo list, which will allow for recorded movements and speechs to happen.

story telling is a really important aspect, and once i polish up the current features and finish off what im adding i'll get started on items and story telling which are the two main features missing at the moment.

i've coded an RPG maker before with cutscenes etc, so technically its not a problem - just need to find the time :D

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can u add a undo button? after accidentally deleting tiles i have to scroll through the tiles again.
mutiple tile sets is a good idea, and will also be very easy for me to implement :)

plus it'd save on RAM and speed up loading, as each individual tileset would be shorter as it'd only require one or two 'themes'. thats on the top of my todo list now, thanks for the idea.

multiple character sets would be a little more of a pain, as the main character would need to be on each one which is a bit of a waste :P i'll make the existing one larger and a little easier to browse.

an undo button is a great idea too, thanks - didnt think about that :P i'll add that for the next release too.

keep these suggestions coming, they are all great :)
a quick update:

just coded in multiple tilesets and it all works, you can now have unlimited tilesets and you just pick which one you want from the "config" settings in the editor, it shows u the current tileset in real time when your going thru them all, so you can find the right one.. i made a 'night-time' version of my initial town (just lowered the contrast) :D

the loading times are slightly longer when changing to a map which has a different tileset, but nothing drastic :)
-What about a tint screen effect so you can dim the screen with differnet levels for RGB (and choose how many seconds the dim takes).
The tint screen effects could be used in cutscenes or for creating a night and day system or something.
How about an option to create your own weather effects or lots of dfferent ones any way.

-Hold L while you scroll speeds up the scrolling speed (when nothing is selected?)

-Perhaps Layer 0,1,2 should be renamed to Layer 1,2,3 (just for aesthetic benefits?!) okay thats just stupid

-On the Hotspot creator AorB should open the hotspot menu not select (maybe- tell me if i'm being stupido)

- support for mod files (or some other kind of musid as midi would be difficult).

*more coming
Hiya, the screen tint is possible - i'll add it on the todo list under map settings, you can do a similar thing using the multiple tilesets - for example, copy an existing tileset but lower the contrast, and make the windows light up etc, then just get an existing map and tell it to use that new tileset instead and volla - instant night time.

L and R would be a good idea for speeding up the scrolling, but sadly L and R are used in some of the modes.. *scratchs head* i'll have a think and see if i can come up with a way of doing it.

it starts on layer 0 so i dont get too confused ;) if the GUI said 1 2 3 but the code said 0 1 2 i'd end up making mistakes, once its finished i'll rename it tho.

Agree'd about the hotspot Menu, i'll make A enter the submenu.

Music is planned, i need to look into the formats before deciding whats possible - i may try making Midi work by spooling the instruments off the SMC :P not sure how effective it would be.

cheers for the suggestions.
Okay... some suggestions I just remember which are "stolen" from other RPGs ;)

As said, only suggestions, I don't know what you already planning and I really don't expect that all those are included ;)

- Different Weapons with different features (i.e. weapons which destroy sth (like an axe cutting a tree, a sickle cutting down bushes, a morning star breaking rocks / walls, etc.) or weapons which allow to grab items or pull yourself over (hookshot), etc.

- Enemies vulnerable to different weapons (i.e. take more / less / none damage according to with what weapon you attack).

- NPCs which follow you and can do different things when you talk to them (give hints, heal you, change music, etc.)

What do you think? :)
and the ability to pick up weapons and etc
also, will need a equip type menu
like all chars have base attack , have items just add to that base, simple, I think
could work for other things like armor also
and please, have a change when you wear, like once your armor gets so high, it changes your char look
