Change the Pandora into a Amazon Echo Alexa Device?


Hardcore Member
Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
Hi all.
I found a Tutorial in German to change a Rasperry Pi into a Amazon Alexa Device here:

It would be fun when you can make this with the Pandora too.
On the Pandora we have a Linux,Microphone,Wlan and Speakers too.

So you dont must buy an Alexa Device when you like that funny Idea of it.
..just use your Pandora. :D

Maybe you can change the Name of Alexa into Pandora too and ask your Pandora:

" will be the Weather today?"
and other Questions?

Funny Idea,right?

And as PND it work only when you have it started ;)
Hahaha the Cia.. :D
...when anyone have to Hiding Things..then he dont must buy or use this Idea.

The Result of the Fear of "Cia hear all" is simple.
All the People who have Fear....have too many Things to Hide. ;)

I do not want to start an Discussion about the Cia.

I wanted only one Alexa without bying it...just for Fun.
This Device must not be ever activated..only when i want it for Fun :)

" me the News"
"Pandora..order me a Pizza xD "
"Pandora..go to the Pandora Boards and tell them about your Cia Friends" :p
" with Neal Armstrong on the Moon" :oops:
"Pandora..beam me up" :)
In this Link i was realy beamed :)
All the People who have Fear....have too many Things to Hide. ;)
It is good that you have nothing to hide, please mail me your bank data, all your passwords and give me remote access to your PC and all external drives, thank you for your cooperation.
All the People who have Fear....have too many Things to Hide. ;)

It is good that you have nothing to hide, please mail me your bank data, all your passwords and give me remote access to your PC and all external drives, thank you for your cooperation.

While you're at it, can I install a bunch of wireless microphones in your house? I promise not to do anything creepy with the recordings, and delete them after a few years!
Hi all :)

@PowerGod : I'm not sure, but I'd say they both rely on an Internet connection.

I never used that kind of application before, I just pointed to these two projects because they are FOSS ;)

Cheers, Magic Sam
That's funny, but unfortunately also true. I really struggle to understand the ease with which people accept this stuff.
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regarding privacy vs convenience: I get that a "talking" computer that understands your spoken commands is pretty cool, but the trade-off is really not at all justifiable to me. I for one do have something to hide - it is called personal life. But even if I was one of the "nothing to hide" folks, alexa just seems very gimmicky and stupid. Why would I want to voice activate my lights with alexa? why would I want to voice control anything, that tracks and listens to all things going on inside my living space? it barely saves seconds compared to an actual online search, and to find out about the weather, there is a number of more convenient ways I can think of.

back on topic: with that said, an alexa interface for the pandora would be a fun experiment and the speech recognition/comprehension is amazing, and at least you have control over when it is listening in...
Like 20 years ago (or maybe more...) I was using a program called "Dragon naturally speaking" with the ability to trigger by voice almost everything, it was programmable and had also a learning curve, but was local and didn't have an "AI".

Seems like that thing is still alive... but I don't know if it still works as the old times
If I could get it to respond to a different name I would go for "computer". It would also need Majel Barrett's voice. I have been waiting for that for a long time.

My PowerMac 7100 did that in 97. No majel voice but it did have a response for "what is the nature of the universe"
back on topic: with that said, an alexa interface for the pandora would be a fun experiment and the speech recognition/comprehension is amazing, and at least you have control over when it is listening in...

I think I have a very specific use. You're cleaning the house, got dity hands. You think of a game that takes a long time to start. You tell the pandora to download it, run, start a new game and inform when it's loaded. This can save up to 1 minute (!) of checking up on the progress bar. The future is now.