Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow


Oct 4, 2005
Liverpool, UK
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Darn it, I've really buggered up on Dawn of Sorrow, and the Castlevania Dungeon forums are taking forever to verify me. GameFAQs does not have the answers I need, so I'm here after all.

Basically, I'm around 80% through the game. I've just had the 2nd bad ending (where Mina dies), and the guys outside are saying that I should've equipped Mina's talisman. Well, I only went and sold that to Hammer, didn't I? It's not even for sale in his shop anymore! I went to speak to that woman who lives opposite Hammer (forgot her name), and she told me that I can use my powers to fit through small spaces. Was this a clue as to how to get the talisman back, maybe? I've tried allsorts of things, and I'm now completely stuck. Can anyone help, at all?
well I'm afraid you're going to have to start again, if you want teh best ending. there's no way to get the talisman back in your situation, as far as I know.
Oh bugger. Took me forever to kill the Puppet Master and that big laser beastie in the tower as well. Ah well, at least it was an enjoyable experience which I can now do all over again.
TwoHeadedBoy said:
Oh bugger. Took me forever to kill the Puppet Master and that big laser beastie in the tower as well. Ah well, at least it was an enjoyable experience which I can now do all over again.
you could use AR for DS, if you have it. oh yeah, ask them if they remember who Jakshep3 was on the forums, lmao. they hate me.
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TwoHeadedBoy said:
AR for DS? What's that all about then?
action replay for DS lets you edit items in your inventory, to cut a long story short.
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TwoHeadedBoy said:
Ooh, that'd be ideal. I wonder if it's compatible with games that I run from a flashcard (as in, all of the games I play).
hmm... maybe. never tried it.
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TwoHeadedBoy said:
Ravnos said:
I'm pretty sure it's not, but the R4, the M3, and some others support Action Replay cheats anyway.
Gosh, I was not aware of this, would you mind explaining how?
I have an R4 y'see.


you're welcome.


If it's the inverted dungeon forums that you go on can you tell them that "jakshep3" said they need to go fuck themselves?, thanks. :D
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Ooh, that is just fantastic, thanks!

Won't really need to go on any forums now, but I couldn't tell them to go fuck themselves sorry, that's just not nice :P

Thanks again, tally ho!
TwoHeadedBoy said:
Won't really need to go on any forums now, but I couldn't tell them to go fuck themselves sorry, that's just not nice :P

Thanks again, tally ho!
okay, lol :D
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