Castaway/GP 10.2 Released!


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
I think I've nabbed the last of the weird issues that people found -- the mouse getting stuck.. not a problem anymore! Interphase and Virus and Millenium 2.2 and others are all now happy :)

Get it off my site:

Anyone who posts the news.. jst foold all the 10-series together :)

Release 10.2
CHG: New mouse calibration code (for the 6th or 7th time ;) -- seems to work
well in that it gives you full range of movement from the current mouse
position as if it was center of screen. (so ideally do the calibration from
center of screen!)
CHG: Automatic mouse-calibration at resolution changes
CHG: Automatic mouse-calibration when approaching perceived screen edge, so
that it'll let you run off the edge if you want to.. TOS won't let the
mouse fly off the screen anyway
CHG: The virtual keyboard starting position is in the middle now (near the
numbers) since most often the first time you pull up the keyboard you'll
be wanting to go somewhere else.. this should help minimize that first
bit of travel time
FIX: If you left-shoulder deleted the last file in the file listing, then
pressing down would let you scroll forever. Now fixed.. deleting an item
now selects the previous item so you can't scroll down into nothingness.

Release 10.1
FIX: Updated version; doh :)
NEW: Save state menu now shows filename of disk-A: thats in existing save
states, or "Empty". This way you can tell which slots do not exist at all,
and if they do exist, what disk was in it
NEW: Gamma/Brightness adjust added -- this is done in such a way so that
colours will never become another colour (red will not become green). So
if a colour is at max green (rgb(0,255,0) then it will not change. But if
it is at half green (0,127,0) then it will let you step it up and still be
green. At max gamma, everything will be essentially white. So the gamma
settings let you bring everything up to the point where they would go to
white if we went another step. You get 4 steps. (Making higher granularity
doesn't seem to have much point)
CHG: Retouched the mouse calibration in hopes that it works :/
CHG: Brightness of plasma increased a touch to make it visible but without
ruining the bouncey text effect

Release 10
CHG: Merge splash demo and splash text into one screen, and tone down
the plasma. Make the Castaway text go on top. Nice!
CHG: When in frameskip mode, left shoulder only does frameskip.. doesn't
toggle keyboard. Woops!
FIX: Properly checks for TOS's existance before firing up the emulation ..
this ought to help out people who didn't install one or put it into the
wrong place
CHG: Updated games database to 1.9

Release 9.2.1
NEW: Pushing SELECT on a .RAW (savestate) will look up game details for the
disk that was in drive A: at the time of savestating (cool!)
NEW: 1/4 of a splash screen :)
CHG: Left-button toggle of keyboard also sets the delay timer for normal keys
so that it doesn't immediately re-register for frameskip-minus in that mode
CHG: Will remember disk selection when you reset Castaway/GP and return to the
disk picker menu
FIX: Will try to sort disk listing properly :)

THX :) I need to DL this now (hmmm, why AM I spending time posting this anyways?)

EDIT: YES, I never even have to colaborate(sp?) the mouse!!!!! And I'm sure that if I had to it would work well :) All you need is to slow down the keyboard/selection stuff, I swear that you are playing a trick on us and increasing the speed of keyboard/selection everytime, because selecting what I want has become a game in itself.
Another fantastic release, may just be another .1 but what a difference that mouse fix makes to games like Space Crusade :D

One wee thing id like, any chance you could make the save state files appear either at the top or the bottom of the disk list? being picky i know but its usually the only files i head for once ive started some games :P

And game folders :P

That sensi Soccer problem is exactly the same as WizKid (just tried it for the first time :blink: ) in that as soon as you touch the joystick, it crashes :unsure:
Damn, they are two great games! And I bet it's the same with Mega-lo-mania too. :(
stickofjoy posted on May 20 2003 said:
Damn, they are two great games! And I bet it's the same with Mega-lo-mania too. :(
just tried it, exactly the same :(
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I'm a new GP32 owner and would like to give this emulator a try. I was an Amiga owner back in the day, so I don't have much experience with the Atari, but it will be fun.

Some questions - do I need some kind of Atari ROM image dump or something to get it running?
What games are good to show of what this emulator can do (and what the Atari could do)? Where an I get them?
search the CaStaway forum for all this information and more.

perhaps we should do a stick "Atari ST 101" thread.
Would just like to confirm that indeed all of our (my) wishes have come true. We (I) can now celebrate that Zany Golf works flawlessly. Thank you very much skeezix.
Keyboards a bit fiddley if you could slow down the scroll across that would be perfect i keep going for 1 and i end up on 3 (can be fun somtimes)i was trying to play Falcon(also the + and - key are needed for Flightsims and games like it for throttle are you going to add to a very cool Emulator :)
psipoc posted on May 20 2003 said:
Keyboards a bit fiddley if you could slow down the scroll across that would be perfect i keep going for 1 and i end up on 3 (can be fun somtimes)i was trying to play Falcon(also the + and - key are needed for Flightsims and games like it for throttle are you going to add to a very cool Emulator :)
Playing ST flightsims on the GP32 just seems wrong.. Falcon was amazing, but man, sims have come such a long way since then :)

I will add + and - and = to the keyboard.

The one thing that burns me up is that Falcon 1 and Mission Packs, etc, still had "it".. a special somethign no other sims have done recently. Liek old school sims all had an alement of it.. Stealth Fighter, etc.

The "it" I refer to is the missions and style... ie: Its all well and good to fly across the Korean peninsula (like in Falcon 4, which is really quite amazing even after a few years of being out).. but flying through a *train* in Falcon 1 is way cool; the small but very fun playfield was a blast.

They just dont' quite capture the same "fun"ness.. ie: I gues you coudl say theres 3 kidns of flight sim.. the balls-out arcade style like F29 Retaliator and such, and then the othe extreme.. the true sim.. like Falcon 4 and all the modern sims. But I want th einbertween.. the sim that has some sim, but is mostly designed to be fun, for peopel who don't have 3 weeks to read the 300 page manual. (Though I like having a big beefy manual).

Falcon 1 was really fun. But then, that was a long time ago :)

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skeezix posted on May 20 2003 said:
The one thing that burns me up is that Falcon 1 and Mission Packs, etc, still had "it".. a special somethign no other sims have done recently. Liek old school sims all had an alement of it.. Stealth Fighter, etc.
what a game!


for me, i think they had to go down the fun sim route by making better missions etc, because a proper sim was so much more difficult to do with our beloved ST back in the day.

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Sneeking through the sky's of Iraq in F19 was an amazing experience, use stelth to get to your target, unleash hell and get out of there as fast as possible :)

Couldn't imagine it on a GP32 though, way too fiddly I guess.